
Postcolonial Subjects and Their Responses to Metanarratives

Drishti Suri • Aug 15 2019 • Essays

Colonialist metanarratives regarding postcolonial subjects are often instrumentalised by them to advance their own agenda.

A Pluriversal Perspective on the Life and Death of the Socialist World

Mathieu Mignot • Aug 13 2019 • Essays

The concept of the pluriverse is introduced to reconcile the theorisation of Soviet communism and its downfall with the situated experiences of Soviet citizens.

Social Constructivism Vs. Neorealism in Analysing the Cold War

Chan Jun Hao • Aug 6 2019 • Essays

Constructivism better captures the agency states have via its understanding of state identity as a variable constructed in societies and through interstate interactions.

The Emergent Role of Cities as Actors in International Relations

Salome Gongadze • Aug 6 2019 • Essays

Cities are behaving as actors in contemporary international politics by mimicking diplomatic practices, organising transnational networks, and engaging with IOs.

The Colonisation of Thought in Contemporary Climate Change Governance Models

Will Bunce • Aug 1 2019 • Essays

The ontological and epistemological knowledge of indigenous communities should have an active, collaborative, and participatory role in climate change discourse.

Policy Failure and Unipolarity on the Eve of Operation Desert Storm

Riccardo Ghioni • Jul 31 2019 • Essays

The unprecedented support for Operation Desert Storm was facilitated by a combination of primary and secondary factors.

Examining the Validity of a ‘Global Britain’ and Its Ties with the Commonwealth

Alec Llywelyn Frost • Jul 29 2019 • Essays

After Brexit, British politicians wanted to pursue a “Global Britain” policy and strengthen trade with the Commonwealth, but this strategy cannot replace EU trade.

Spatialising The Political and “Nomadic Subjectivity”

Uygar Baspehlivan • Jul 27 2019 • Essays

International relationships should be viewed across a spatial plane, rather than a temporal one, to better conceptualise borders and nomadic subjects.

A Biopolitical and Necropolitical Analysis of Nuclear Weapon Proliferation

Emma Clark • Jul 18 2019 • Essays

The logic of the non-proliferation regime and the choice to proliferate can be explained by the theoretical fusion of biopolitics and necropolitics.

Examining and Critiquing the Security–Development Nexus

Jelte Schievels • Jul 15 2019 • Essays

The idea of a security-development nexus, that a country’s well-being depends on its level of development, is too simplistic to explain the dynamics of conflict.

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