
To What Extent Was the NATO Intervention in Libya a Humanitarian Intervention?

Matthew Green • Feb 6 2019 • Essays

Given the evidence of NATO’s emphasis on regime change, actions taken by NATO in the Libyan intervention showcase how the intervention was not strictly humanitarian.

A Critical Assessment of Eco-Marxism: A Ghanaian Case Study

Anna Carter-Roberts • Feb 4 2019 • Essays

While Eco-Marxism successfully identifies factors that facilitate illegal gold-mining in Ghana, it struggles to provide a coherent solution to the problems it highlights.

Historical Institutionalism Meets IR: Explaining Patterns in EU Defence Spending

Alen Hristov • Feb 3 2019 • Essays

Historical institutionalist concepts explain the European Union’s recent increase in defence spending through an analysis of past events and critical junctures.

A Constructivist Approach to Chinese Interest Formation in the South China Sea

Max Freundlieb • Feb 2 2019 • Essays

Analysis focusing mainly on security, power and wealth in the case of the South China Sea would be fatal, as this approach would lead straight into Thucydides’ Trap.

Capitalism and the Rise of New Slavery: From Slave Trade to Slave in Trade

Akshat Sogani • Feb 2 2019 • Essays

To confront new slavery, we need to realise the paradoxes in the West and start questioning basic ideas including sovereignty, freedom and realism as an ideology.

Have Waltz’s Critics Misunderstood His Theory of International Politics?

Jodie Bradshaw • Feb 1 2019 • Essays

Kenneth Waltz’s incompatible use of a positivist approach has become a major shortcoming of his Theory of International Politics.

The ‘Chilling Effect’: Are Journalistic Sources Afforded Legal Protection?

Laura Broome • Jan 29 2019 • Essays

Because the United Kingdom’s journalistic protections fall short of the European Convention on Human Rights, whistleblowers may be deterred from disclosing information.

National Identity and the Construction of Enemies: Constructivism and Populism

Lena Johanna Kappenberg • Jan 27 2019 • Essays

Constructivism elucidates how populist parties use identity construction and interest creation to portray their policies as necessary protections of national identity.

Australia on the United Nations Security Council 2013-14: An Evaluation

Georgia Lloyd • Jan 19 2019 • Essays

While Australia did have a chance to exert some influence and produce resolutions, the state’s time at the forefront of the Council was not entirely successful.

Queering the Chilean Armada from the Inside Out?

Elias Dehnen • Jan 17 2019 • Essays

Mauricio Ruiz embodies various meanings which contest binary interpretive frameworks aiming to categorize him according to an either/or logic.

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