
1.5 to Stay Alive: The Influence of AOSIS in International Climate Negotiations

Cecelia Bolon • Nov 17 2018 • Essays

AOSIS nations could provide leadership and strategy to other actors that are also threatened and have little influence in climate change negotiations.

Composing Compositeness: Examining EU Defining Actor Aspect in Russia Relations

Sophia Mård • Nov 17 2018 • Essays

The ‘Christmas Tree’ metaphor best describes the EU’s Russia policy, as certain mechanisms to manage external affairs represent obstacles to a unitary strategy.

Climate Change and Mental Health: An Unlikely Duo

Jessica Reed • Nov 14 2018 • Essays

Mental illness should be included as a critical issue in discussions of human security and global climate change.

Incubators of Terror: Anatomising the Determinants of Domestic Terrorism

Blair Welsh • Nov 11 2018 • Essays

The presence of domestic terrorism in a state is linked to government strength and the territorial control of the terrorist organizations themselves.

Van Beersum Affair: The Right to Participate in the Parliament of the Streets

Sass Rogando Sasot • Nov 7 2018 • Essays

Because of the principle of territorial sovereignty, every sovereign state possesses the power to exclude non-citizens from participating in political affairs.

Perpetual Conflict of ‘Turkishness’: The Turkish State and its Minority Groups.

Elizabete Aunina • Nov 4 2018 • Essays

Turkishness identity has an effect on the social/legal spheres of its state relations and has Othered the largest ethnic/religious minorities, the Kurds and the Alevis.

Conflicts over the Mismanagement of Water: A Refutation of Conventional Wisdom

Victor Fradet • Nov 3 2018 • Essays

The real issue around water basin is not the scarcity of water per se, but the fact that institutions are unable to commit to a fair distribution of this resource.

What Role did Christian Teachings Play in the American Civil Rights Movement?

Juleus Ghunta • Nov 1 2018 • Essays

‘Christian teachings’ does not denote a unitary worldview, therefore, the concept must be analysed within distinct socio–political, cultural and economic contexts.

Weaponized Artificial Intelligence & Stagnation in the CCW: A North-South Divide

Alena Zafonte • Nov 1 2018 • Essays

The stagnation of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons stems from the discrepancy in technological development between the Global North and Global South.

Cycling into Norway – Borders as Creative, Contested Controversies

Fanny Falkenberg • Oct 18 2018 • Essays

Security studies should view borders as “contested moments” to better highlight the complexity of their securitization and the subjectivity of migrants.

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