
Confucianism or Legalism? A Grand Debate on Human Nature and Economic Thought

Conner Peta • Jul 3 2018 • Essays

International Political Economy’s normative discussion on the state’s role in the economy can be traced back to Confucianist and Legalist debates in Ancient China.

A Spectre of Conflict: Shaping Lebanese Sectarianism and Identity Politics

Petros Petrikkos • Jul 3 2018 • Essays

Sectarianism has gone beyond religious elements, and is actually fueled by identity politics. A united identity in Lebanon is needed to ensure continuing stability.

‘Governmentality’ and ‘the International’: A Power(ful) Love Story

Floris van Doorn • Jul 3 2018 • Essays

Foucault’s conception of “governmentality” has been diluted by narrow conceptions and a view of the ‘international’ as part of “the political” instead of “the politics.”

How Do Everyday Objects and Practices Relate to IPE?

Frederico Rafael Silva • Jun 21 2018 • Essays

Studying the aspects of everyday life creates a fresh perspective on IPE that breaks from traditional assumptions about social behavior and interactions.

The Prisoner’s Dilemma in Environmental Politics: One Model to Rule Them All?

Andreï-Bogdan Sterescu • Jun 14 2018 • Essays

In International Environmental Politics the important decision-theoretic features of the climate problem or overexploitation are not exhausted by the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

A Critical Evaluation of Poststructuralism’s Contribution to Security

Harry Edgar • Jun 13 2018 • Essays

Poststructuralism’s contribution to security lies within its scope to critique and question, exploring areas that other schools of thought dare not tread.

The Contemporary Neoliberal State and Economic Violence

Katharina Kesztyus • May 31 2018 • Essays

Neoliberal states such as the United States and Great Britain seek to promote and enhance structural inequality within their borders by exerting economic violence.

One for All or All for One? Ideology and Cohesion in the IRA and PIRA

Valeria Scuto • May 30 2018 • Essays

Is there a relationship between ideology and insurgent cohesion? The cases of the IRA and PIRA, the Provisional Irish Republican Army, provides an interesting insight.

Overcoming Internal Resistance Within the Military Command Structure

Gaurav Rana • May 28 2018 • Essays

Successful military commanders recognize the internal resistance human interaction creates and overcome said resistance by identifying personal strengths and weaknesses.

Do Gender Minorities Belong in the Military?

river champion • May 14 2018 • Essays

Trans people are included in the military by their willingness to reinforce the binary narrative structures of women as “beautiful souls” and men as “citizen protectors”.

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