
Terrorist Groups and the ‘Oxygen of Publicity’

Jennifer Leigh • Jan 23 2018 • Essays

Rapidly changing media environment provides terrorists with the type of publicity they need to fulfill their goals.

How Global is Security Studies? The Possibility of “Non-Western” Theory

Bryony Vince • Jan 23 2018 • Essays

The current search for a global or “non-Western” security studies is futile as the discipline was inherently made, not for the “globe”, but by and for the West.

The Legitimisation of Australia’s Deterrent Migration Policy

Emma Cabrol • Jan 19 2018 • Essays

This essay analyses the ways in which Australian authorities legitimise their deterrence regulations in relation to international refugee legal standards.

IPE and Transnational Criminal Law: An Imperfect Yet Fruitful Relationship

Alen Hristov • Jan 15 2018 • Essays

Transnational criminal law can contribute to the field of International Political Economy through the integration of ideas related to international financial crime.

The Emperor’s New E-Clothes: State Sovereignty in the Cyber-era

Mattia Tomay • Jan 2 2018 • Essays

Cyberspace actors operate outside the bounds of the traditional social contract, but cyber sovereigns could emerge under a new conception of sovereignty.

Will Armed Humanitarian Intervention Ever Be Both Lawful and Legitimate?

Monica Adami • Dec 15 2017 • Essays

At present, armed humanitarian intervention cannot be lawful and legitimate, but conflicts in Libya and Syria show the prospects of a renewed and robust R2P framework.

From ‘Globocop’ to ‘NoGoCop’: Intervention, R2P & Sovereignty in the Chinese Era

Unity Stuart • Dec 15 2017 • Essays

The differences between China and the US with regards to Responsibility to Protect are based on their understandings of sovereignty and legitimate authority.

Toward an Affirmative Critique of Abstraction in International Relations Theory

Enrike van Wingerden • Dec 12 2017 • Essays

Dominant abstractions within IR theory are limited in transformative potential, opposing their racialized logics creates a starting point for alternative abstractions.

The Possibility of a Cosmopolitan World Order: An Optimistic View of History

Nathan Olsen • Dec 9 2017 • Essays

A cosmopolitan world order underpinned by democracy is both a possible and a necessary outcome for international relations.

A Comparison of Private Security Contractors & State-Based Armed Forces

Daniele Hadi Irandoost • Dec 3 2017 • Essays

Private security contractors are on the rise in military conflicts. Are they different to state-based troops?

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