
Gender and Violence: Feminist Theories, Deadly Economies and Damaging Discourse

Janine Shaw • Nov 3 2017 • Essays

Violent hegemonic masculinity harms women and girls, men and boys, as well as transgender and gender queer groups. Feminist theories need to become more inclusive.

The Future Prospects of the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance: A Two-Handed Strategy

Miki Hiyashi • Oct 14 2017 • Essays

The US-Japan security alliance is at a crossroads. A “two-handed” strategy of intensifying security cooperation while engaging a rising China is the best way forward.

Grievances, Strategies, and Demands of the Contemporary Chinese Labour Movement

Andrea Brügger Aakre • Oct 9 2017 • Essays

The Chinese state’s capitalist transformation in the 1970’s primed the current exploitation of rural workers, which has resulted in sizable labor movement protests.

Is China the New Hegemon of East Asia?

Jonathan Pugh • Oct 8 2017 • Essays

China, despite its aspirations for renewed dominance in East Asia, is not yet in a position to challenge the United States’ military pre-eminence in the Western Pacific.

Do Contemporary Practices of Schooling Reinforce Colonial Relations of Power?

Elena Mather • Oct 3 2017 • Essays

Contemporary practices of schooling reflect ethnocentrism as universal truth, reinforcing power relations that resulted from colonial rule by maintaining binaries.

The Iraqi Disarmament Crisis: What Lessons Can Be Learned?

Carlos Rodriguez • Oct 2 2017 • Essays

This detailed case study of the Iraqi disarmament crisis considers where international actors went wrong and what lessons need to be learned to avoid future crises.

Linking the Diffusion of Military Ideas to Human Rights Violations at EU Borders

Marcel Gretzschel • Sep 30 2017 • Essays

The EU border agency Frontex shows how the diffusion of military technology and ideas can potentially lead to human rights violations.

Can We Ever Fully Secure “My” Spaces?

Lucia Lucchini • Sep 30 2017 • Essays

The question of security is ever topical, and this essay addresses the ‘my’ of spaces and how we can conceptualise them.

Authoritarian Difussion and the Failure of the “Colour Revolutions” to Spread

Davide Giordanengo • Sep 28 2017 • Essays

Can the concept of “Authoritarian Difussion” explain the unsuccessful spread of the colour revolution and the repressive measures that illiberal regimes have taken after?

Building New Understandings? Development and the World ‘Knowledge’ Bank

Ruby Utting • Sep 26 2017 • Essays

The World Bank uses its knowledge production to forward an understanding of development that is conducive to the extension of capital.

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