
Silent Birangonas: Sexual Violence, Women’s Voices and Male Conflict Narratives

Annika Wolke • Sep 19 2017 • Essays

The experience of Bangladesh’s Birangona women show the influence of gendered narratives of war, culture and nationalism in conflict.

Strategy Not Sacrilege: State Terrorism as an Element of Foreign Policy

Paul Butchard • Sep 18 2017 • Essays

Relying on case studies of Pakistan and the U.S., this essay argues that the state’s use of terrorism be more fully integrated into the study of foreign policy.

Counterintelligence: Enduring Lessons from the Cold War

Daniele Hadi Irandoost • Sep 18 2017 • Essays

Continuities do indeed occur in history and lessons learnt in one period may well be applicable to another and therefore relevant depending on the specific context.

What Was the Role of Ideology in Cuba’s Foreign Policy in the Angolan Civil War?

Rita Deliperi • Aug 26 2017 • Essays

For a comprehensive understanding of the Cuban intervention in Angola, it is necessary to consider both ideological and materialistic dynamics.

Imperialism by Another Name: The US “War on Drugs” in Colombia

Grace Lee • Aug 22 2017 • Essays

This essay examines US policy towards Colombia from Truman to Reagan, tracing the emergent “war on drugs” and the related political, economic, and military strategies.

A Constructivist Approach to Analysing Somalia’s State Failure

Carolina Mañoso Gimeno • Aug 17 2017 • Essays

If an effective solution is to be found for Somalia’s deep problems, it needs to be consistent with the Somali identity so that Somalis can be part of a lasting solution.

Social Media in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

Matthew Ellis • Jul 28 2017 • Essays

The traditional news media’s efforts to produce constant coverage of the events from the 2016 US election campaign have left it exposed to growing social media trends.

An Analysis of Online Terrorist Recruiting and Propaganda Strategies

Mark Taylor • Jul 19 2017 • Essays

The rise to prominence of online terrorist recruitment and propaganda strategies has become a major concern of national security services worldwide.

What is the Role of Precarity in Security?

Lucia Lucchini • Jul 17 2017 • Essays

Precarity creates a grey area of uncertainty which further stimulates insecurity so its analyses contribute vastly to our understanding of current security issues.

The Perception Gap Over Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Shawn McFall • Jul 13 2017 • Essays

The ongoing challenge for the United States and the International Community is the ambiguity over Saudi Arabia and Iran’s nuclear aspirations.

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