
Social Media in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

Matthew Ellis • Jul 28 2017 • Essays

The traditional news media’s efforts to produce constant coverage of the events from the 2016 US election campaign have left it exposed to growing social media trends.

An Analysis of Online Terrorist Recruiting and Propaganda Strategies

Mark Taylor • Jul 19 2017 • Essays

The rise to prominence of online terrorist recruitment and propaganda strategies has become a major concern of national security services worldwide.

What is the Role of Precarity in Security?

Lucia Lucchini • Jul 17 2017 • Essays

Precarity creates a grey area of uncertainty which further stimulates insecurity so its analyses contribute vastly to our understanding of current security issues.

The Perception Gap Over Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Shawn McFall • Jul 13 2017 • Essays

The ongoing challenge for the United States and the International Community is the ambiguity over Saudi Arabia and Iran’s nuclear aspirations.

How Park Chung-hee Made the Most of the South Korea-US Vietnam War Alliance

Ben Alperstein • Jul 9 2017 • Essays

The relationship between the two countries, one a hegemon and one a new nation, was truly uneven – but not in the ways one would expect.

Determining a Successful Humanitarian Intervention

Michael McCall • Jul 9 2017 • Essays

While national interest is not necessarily a requisite feature of a successful intervention, it is clear that when national interests are at stake, success is likely to occur.

Islamic State: Human Trafficking, the Media and Celebritization of Policy

Lisa Holz • Jul 6 2017 • Essays

Whilst celebrities may bring public awareness to causes like terrorism and trafficking, they are not held accountable for the accuracy of their representations.

Is Terrorism a ‘Rational Choice’?

Paul Butchard • Jul 6 2017 • Essays

The decision to employ and halt a terror campaign and its target type are the result of a deliberative process based on subjectively sound rational reasoning.

Transatlantic Sovereignty Games: What Makes the US and the EU ‘Hang Together’?

Katarina Rebello • Jun 15 2017 • Essays

Drawing on an analytical framework based on ‘sovereignty games’ this essay explores the roles of money in (re)constructing relations between the USA and the EU.

France, Post-secularism and Islam

Lucie Pebay • Jun 12 2017 • Essays

The French model can be considered as a great example that demonstrates the complex intertwining of the religious and the secular in modern times.

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