
Post-structuralist ‘critique’ and How It Treats Power in Global Politics

Harry Darkins • Jun 8 2017 • Essays

Post-structuralists introduce the possibility of viewing international politics from a different starting point, outside the constrains of traditional paradigms.

Female Combatants: Same goals, different motivations?

Gül Pembe Akbal • Jun 2 2017 • Essays

Female fighters in Chechnya and Kurdistan are drawn upon as case studies to outline alternative motivations for female combatants, aside from traditional gender roles.

A Neo-Gramscian Analysis of Brexit

Isabel Airas • May 30 2017 • Essays

Brexit was the result of several diverse, and often seemingly contradictory, ideas coalescing around the counter-hegemonic rejection of EU hegemonic ‘common sense’.

The Rise of the Developmental State in China and Its Absence in India

Haoyu Zhai • May 12 2017 • Essays

The factors of state autonomy, capacity and strategy help to explain the rise of the developmental state in China and its absence in India.

Compliance with UN Watercourses Convention: Half Full or Half Empty?

Bhargav Sriganesh • May 12 2017 • Essays

How can the UN Watercourses Convention minimise the risks of inter-state conflict over water resources?

The Aesthetics of Revolt: Emerging Political Subjectivities in the Arab Spring

Samuel Singler • May 12 2017 • Essays

Aesthetic forms of revolt live on in the collective memory as well as in their material forms, and continue to provide a repertoire for subsequent political action.

The Alleged Failure of Multilateralism in Syria: Beyond a Realist Trap

Thomas Dayer • May 11 2017 • Essays

Earlier in history, multilateralism was deemed a ‘realist necessity’. In the current era, it is reshaped through battles of values.

Border Control and Migration Fatalities in the Mediterranean Sea

Mona Saleh • May 10 2017 • Essays

The issue of migrant fatalities has become an urgent and controversial matter in Europe. Information about how many have died attempting to cross into the EU is rare and not accurate.

The Concept of ‘World Society’ in International Relations

Crina Iftode • May 9 2017 • Essays

In a world where a realist perspective still seems dominant, the idea of world society – as found in the English school – is a revolutionary concept.

The Awkward European: Britain and the Common Security and Defence Policy

Andrew Huckle • May 9 2017 • Essays

Britain should not orphan the very policy it created in Brittany almost 20 years ago. If it does, that would constitute the real missed opportunity for Britain and CSDP.

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