
Are Pre-Second World War Writings on International Politics Still Relevant?

Flamur Krasniqi • Dec 3 2016 • Essays

The Twenty Years’ Crisis by E.H. Carr and The Three Guineas by Woolf are considered seminal texts in the study of IR, yet their relevance to the present is in question.

Can Liberal Democracies Address Transnational Environmental Problems?

Oana Forestier • Nov 24 2016 • Essays

Liberal-democratic systems will not be capable of addressing contemporary transnational environmental problems unless significant reforms are undertaken.

Dependency Theory: A Useful Tool for Analyzing Global Inequalities Today?

Elisabeth Farny • Nov 23 2016 • Essays

Several thoughts and concepts from the dependency approach are still applicable for making sense of global inequalities in today’s globalized world.

Human Rights and the ‘ASEAN Way’: Political Barriers to Progress

Byron Nagy • Nov 16 2016 • Essays

Little progress has been made towards the realisation of human rights in ASEAN, and attempts … will continue to perform poorly.

The Sovereignty Dispute Over the Falkland Islands

Carlos Rodriguez • Nov 11 2016 • Essays

The Falklands War of 1982 was the most obvious example of a dispute which had fluctuated since the 17th century, and pitched arguments of discovery against sovereignty.

Factors Behind Deteriorating Sino-Japanese Relations

Gerald Sim • Nov 1 2016 • Essays

Incidents such as territorial disputes and nationalist protests are but symptoms of deeper undercurrents at work in deteriorating Sino-Japanese relations.

How Does Proportional Representation Influence Government Composition?

Haoyu Zhai • Oct 28 2016 • Essays

Results indicate a robust positive relationship between the use of proportional representation systems and the number of government parties.

The Rational Actor Assumption in Structural Realism

Alen Shadunts • Oct 28 2016 • Essays

While rationality is widely mentioned in the works of neorealist scholars, structural realists have different understandings of the concept.

Mexico’s Neoliberal Fix: U.S. Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs

Constantin Gouvy • Oct 19 2016 • Essays

Neoliberal policies of the 1980-90s in Mexico have triggered the explosion of violence caused by Drug Trafficking Organisations and that is, to this day, still present.

Kunarac: Defining Rape under International Criminal Law

Werner Hofs • Oct 16 2016 • Essays

The Kunarac case represented the international community’s willingness to recognise women’s vulnerability to mass atrocities.

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