
Inconsistency, Hegemony, Colonialism and Genocide: How R2P Failed Libya

Conner Peta • Feb 21 2017 • Essays

States’ strategic interests should play no role in deciding where to intervene and who to save.

Was NATO’s decision to militarily intervene in the Kosovo War a ‘last resort’?

Flamur Krasniqi • Feb 11 2017 • Essays

The ambiguity of the Just War Theory in the case of NATO’s military intervention in Kosovo has resulted into divided and opposing interpretations.

Culture, Conflict and Proxy Wars: A Macro Clash of Civilizations?

Jacob Smith • Feb 3 2017 • Essays

Huntington’s Macro Clash of Civilizations has not manifested, and does not look likely to manifest itself in the near future.

Bringing Power to Justice: Rawls Contra Marx and Foucault

Fraser Logan • Jan 24 2017 • Essays

Power is brought to justice without violating Rawls’s assumptions, specifically Marxian and Foucauldian power, through Lukes’ three-dimensional framework.

Has Obama Delivered Change Or Continuity In US Foreign Policy?

Javier Martín Merchán • Jan 20 2017 • Essays

As Obama departs office, his ability to deliver change and attitude to foreign policies is retrospectively assessed.

Economic Interdependence and Conflict – The Case of the US and China

Joel Einstein • Jan 17 2017 • Essays

The liberal assumption that high levels of trade and investment between two states like the US and China will make war unlikely, if not impossible, is overly simplistic.

An Analysis of the Indian Further Education System Regarding Gender Inequality

Katy Edwards • Jan 13 2017 • Essays

Gender inequality in India’s further education system is investigated through the variables of transition rates, subjects chosen, literacy rates and early marriage.

From Mythification to Eurocentrism: The Academic Colour Line

Loïc Bisson • Jan 12 2017 • Essays

Due to its inherent eurocentrism IR reproduces a limited Western perception of the world unfit to explain non-Western realities.

The Nakba, The Holocaust and Collective Victimhood

Uygar Baspehlivan • Jan 9 2017 • Essays

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is perpetuated by culturally and socially embedded discourses of victimhood that are existent in both countries’ narratives.

Gender and the International Criminal Court: A Critical Assessment

Anna Kulemann • Dec 6 2016 • Essays

Gender-based violence has been dismissed as a natural consequence of war: there is a need to develop jurisprudence and understanding of gender within international law.

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