
The Fateful 52: How the American Media Sensationalized the Iran Hostage Crisis

Monica L. Coscia • Aug 20 2016 • Essays

The US media’s generalization of the Iran hostage crisis through a liberal, secular, Western democracy lens marred Iran’s image and influenced US responses to the crisis.

How Does Violence Against Women Manifest? The Case of Post-Conflict Afghanistan

Amy Jo Davies • Aug 18 2016 • Essays

Structural violence helps explain oppression of women caused by conflict but a continuation of patriarchal customs & occidentalist/orientalist agendas also contributes.

Securitisation of Zika

Josie Hornung • Aug 17 2016 • Essays

The securitisation of the Zika virus in Brazil has been considered as an effective method to prevent it – but this may be an unnecessary step.

The Zika Outbreak: A Public Health Challenge Highlighting Structural Power

Sacha Blumen • Aug 14 2016 • Essays

The current outbreak of Zika virus disease, centred in Brazil, highlights the population-level fears that can arise in response to infectious disease pandemics.

Questioning the Inevitability of the Cold War

Constantinos Onesilou • Aug 10 2016 • Essays

The Cold War was an avertable product of impulsive and unpredictable actions of instrumental individuals operating in accordance to their free will.

Is the Developmental State Model Useful When Reviewing Pacific-Asia?

Haoyu Zhai • Aug 8 2016 • Essays

Although the Developmental State Model is often used to understand Pacific-Asia’s post-Korean War economic take-off, it is insufficient at explaining Japan’s development.

Excluded: The Sense of Non-Belonging and Violent Radicalisation in the UK

Lorand Bodo • Aug 7 2016 • Essays

Alienation of British Muslims through policies, society, domestic life and non-inclusive Mosques are presented as contributory factors in cases of violent radicalisation.

Socio-ecological Security: Moving Beyond the Human-Nature Dualism

Martin Wikören Mogstad • Aug 5 2016 • Essays

Socio-ecological security is a relational and normative concept that sees humans as internal to nature, and seeks to secure sustainable socio-ecological relations.

Can ‘Title X’ Improve Women and Young People’s Reproductive Health?

Nidha Khan • Aug 1 2016 • Essays

Reproductive health care policies, like Title X in the U.S., are controversial. Their ability to be effective has been constrained by opposition from various groups.

The Evolution of Russian Organised Crime and the Challenge to Democracy

Jessica Xiao • Jul 31 2016 • Essays

The growth of Russian organised crime poses a huge threat to the development of democracy in the Russian state and other transitioning states around the globe.

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