
Suffering and Dependence: How Colonialist Discourse Denies African Statehood

Julian Izzo • Dec 16 2022 • Essays

To question decolonisation is to perpetuate the Hegelian notion of Africa’s historical immobility, and this can only be shed by the complete overthrow of the settler.

Did Oleg Gordievsky’s Espionage Hasten the End of the Cold War?

Arran Kennedy • Dec 7 2022 • Essays

Through shaping the West’s views of the USSR and in turn its response via the intelligence he provided, Gordievsky had a strategic impact on the end of the Cold War.

A Peaceful Resolution: Analysing Sustained Peace and Order in Mizoram

Priavi Joshi • Nov 26 2022 • Essays

Post insurgency, Mizoram provides a stark exception to the usually politically volatile and unstable post-conflict situations that do not maintain peace.

How Do Travel Vlogs Contribute to GDP’s Dominance in World Politics?

Talisha Schilder • Nov 25 2022 • Essays

Through their introduction, plot and characters, Western travel narratives in YouTube vlogs exoticize Gross National Happiness and normalise the GDP development paradigm.

Deterrence and Ambiguity: Motivations behind Israel’s Nuclear Strategy

Pieter Zhao • Nov 20 2022 • Essays

Israel’s policy of deliberate nuclear ambiguity enabled Israel and the United States to continue their crucial relationship and not raise Cold War tensions.

Transitional Justice in Colombia: Between Retributive and Restorative Justice

Lluc Torrella Llauger • Nov 16 2022 • Essays

Colombia’s Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR) presents a mixed restorative and retributive justice approach in peace building.

Struggle and Success of Chinese Soft Power: The Case of China in South Asia

Ashmita Rana • Nov 14 2022 • Essays

Has China’s cultural and material export led recipients to desire what it does? Focused on South Asia, this essay evaluates China’s notion of and struggle for soft power.

Transnational Corporations, State Capacity and Development in Nigeria

Olusola Samuel Oyetunde • Nov 11 2022 • Essays

While TNCs have sometimes acted as development agents in host countries, their developmental contribution is marginal.

Reproductive Justice in Occupied Palestine: Biopolitical Policies and Experience

Sanchita Aggarwal • Nov 6 2022 • Essays

Israeli Occupation through its Zionist strategies, manifestations of terror, curfews, surveillance, and violence restricts Palestinian women’s reproductive choices.

Multiple Worlds of Trauma: Methodology, Eurocentrism, and the Colonial Traumatic

Mateus S. Borges • Nov 2 2022 • Essays

This essay discusses if and where it is possible to draw the defining line(s) of trauma amidst a diversity of perspectives without depoliticizing or/and colonizing it.

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