
America the Beautiful, or the Exclusive? The Other in US Nature Conservation

Lea Wowra • Sep 21 2023 • Essays

Despite its goals to re-envision nature conservation and to make it more inclusive, the AtB campaign keeps marginalising and silencing Indigenous peoples in the US.

Institutionalised and Ideological Racism in the French Labour Market

Jodie Bradshaw • Sep 18 2023 • Essays

Until a critical re-evaluation of the egalitarian approach of French Republicanism is undertaken, the racial hierarchies in labor market will persist.

Norm-taker or Norm-shaper: Is China Socialising into Norms of Intervention?

Elizabeth McGowan • Sep 11 2023 • Essays

Language has been expanded to give China greater flexibility in discourse about intervention showing that it has become a tactical tool rather than a deeply held value.

Trump‘24 or Before: Militias and the Marketplace of Masculinity

Bailey Galicia • Sep 6 2023 • Essays

Masculinity as an antidote to insecurity may result in militia members taking rallying cries like “Trump ‘24 or Before” literally and further perpetrating violence.

Russia and the “Near Abroad”: (Re)producing Identities through Foreign Policy

Mak Kasapovic • Aug 28 2023 • Essays

The practices of Russian foreign policy serve to call into being a “near abroad” with a certain identity and instantiate a particular construction of Russian identity itself.

The Importance of Queer Theory: An Abridgement on Trans Healthcare in the UK

Elizabeth Shimwell • Aug 4 2023 • Essays

Reforms could be introduced to make such healthcare much more accessible, less oppressive and less violent even with the cuts and pressures affecting NHS care generally.

Beyond the Narrative of China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy

Alain Tao • Aug 2 2023 • Essays

Looking beyond the popular narrative of Chinese debt-trap diplomacy, it becomes clear that it does not hold up to scrutiny.

The Violence of Our Imaginations: War, Women, Nation

Priavi Joshi • Jul 31 2023 • Essays

Perception of women as a nation’s reproducers justifies and motivates strategic sexual violence against them in, and even after, ethno-nationalist wars.

Poliheuristic Analysis: 2008 Indo-US Civil Nuclear Agreement

Samanvaya Saraswat • Jul 18 2023 • Essays

Poliheuristic Choice Theory allows to incorporate domestic matters into the analysis of the India’s strategy in Indo-US civilian nuclear deal negotiations.

Nasser’s Ideology vs Practice: Postcolonial Critique of Egypt’s Yemen Intervention

Amadeus Marzai • Jul 7 2023 • Essays

Nasser subjugated Yemen to a dialectic of security and development, thereby rationalising the expedition’s imperiality and massive violence.

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