
The Impact of Gush Emunim on the Social and Political Fabric of Israeli Society

Iain MacGillivray • Jul 21 2016 • Essays

While Gush Emunim may no longer exist as a movement, its ideologies remain and continue to have a severe and negative impact on Israeli society.

Revisiting the Neo-Neo Debate: NATO Involvement in the Refugee Crisis

Michal Ovádek • Jul 18 2016 • Essays

Neorealism’s balance of threat framework and neoliberalism’s focus on issue linkages are still relevant tools to explain NATO’s current involvement in the refugee crisis.

Defending Europe Without an Army: The Potential of the Common Security Policy

Alfred Roberts • Jul 15 2016 • Essays

The European Common Security and Defence Policy has not led to popular support for a ‘European Army’, however it offers potential civilian forms of security.

Simmel’s Spatiality and the Construction of the National Sphere

Charline Kopf • Jul 15 2016 • Essays

Simmel’s framework enables us to dismantle the process of territorialising national identity in inscribing it in space, thus drawing a difference between us and them.

Cosmopolitanism and Classical Realism as Morally Defensible Theories

Gerald Sim • Jul 13 2016 • Essays

Cosmopolitanism and Classical Realism, whilst possessing divergent perspectives towards morality, are both morally defensible theories.

The Politics of Securitising Migration

Samuel Singler • Jul 12 2016 • Essays

Framing migration as a security issue enacts a conception of political community based on fear, in which belonging is determined beyond democratic political contestation.

Explaining the Rise and Differentiation of Modern Worldwide Salafi Movements

Madeleine Nyst • Jul 10 2016 • Essays

Salafism’s ability to transcend local traditions, spaces and other forms of religious authority created an imagined community, de-linked from any state or territory.

Assessing the Utility of Rational Choice Theory in Least Developed Countries

George Sariak • Jul 8 2016 • Essays

RCT can inform the understanding behind the decision making process of collective action pertaining to developmental dilemmas specifically common pool resources (CPRs).

Does the Inclusion of Women in Peace Building Processes Make a Difference?

Katherine Remenyi • Jul 7 2016 • Essays

Rather than including more women in peace-building to make positive difference to the processes and outcomes, a gender sensitive approach should be considered.

Agricultural Overproduction and the Deteriorating Environment

Jacqueline Dufalla • Jul 7 2016 • Essays

Overproducing food, while allowing for food security, also disrupt world markets as well as causes immense environmental damage to soil and water supplies.

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