
Is the Use of Terrorism Rational?

Alexandria Reid • May 24 2016 • Essays

An evaluation of cost-benefit calculations made by terrorists reveals that the decision to use terrorism is procedurally, though not necessarily substantively, rational.

Mandate Disclosure in EU Trade Negotiations: The Case of TiSA

Michal Ovádek • May 24 2016 • Essays

The publication of TiSA’s negotiating mandate represents an effort to increase transparency, used by negotiators as a stepping stone towards expanding the EU’s win-set.

Upgrading the United Nations Environmental Programme to Meet the Needs of the 21st Century

Gavin Murphy • May 24 2016 • Essays

Pressure should be increased to create a strong international organisation that harnesses political will and keeps on the path to mitigating the effects of climate change.

An Analysis of U.S. Policy Towards Cambodia Between 1969-1973

Oliver Omar • May 24 2016 • Essays

Nixon’s policy towards Cambodia was treacherous because of the political implications in Washington and the tragic consequences in Cambodia.

Can Flags ‘Speak Security’?

Robert Aston • May 23 2016 • Essays

Fragile national identities can become embodied and even dependent upon flags, and flags will continue to be a major stumbling block to desecuritisation.

Knowledge is Power: The Internet Panopticon as a Weapon against Terror

Rudhayaini Vijay Mukane • May 19 2016 • Essays

Governance of cyberspace is alike a Panopticon: as modern threats of terror arise on the web, current governments strive to incorporate invasive surveillance online.

Australia’s Refugee Challenge

Nidha Khan • May 19 2016 • Essays

As Australia is obligated to create a peaceful culture by creating policies which include asylum seekers and refugees, its human rights violations cannot continue.

A Comparative Historical Study of the Development of a European Army

Snezhana Stadnik • May 12 2016 • Essays

The historical context, political landscape, and security environments have advanced/constrained the development of a EU defense policy and potential EU army.

The Resilience of Authoritarianism in Iran After the 2009 Election

Iain MacGillivray • May 4 2016 • Essays

Examining how structural, societal and internal social factors maintain the legitimacy and durability of authoritarianism in Iran – quelling even the 2009 protests.

Saudi Arabia and the Regionalization of Yemen’s Conflict

Sumaya Almajdoub • May 3 2016 • Essays

Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen has led to the regionalization of Yemen’s war resulting in significant implications for the region as a whole.

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