
Can Flags ‘Speak Security’?

Robert Aston • May 23 2016 • Essays

Fragile national identities can become embodied and even dependent upon flags, and flags will continue to be a major stumbling block to desecuritisation.

Knowledge is Power: The Internet Panopticon as a Weapon against Terror

Rudhayaini Vijay Mukane • May 19 2016 • Essays

Governance of cyberspace is alike a Panopticon: as modern threats of terror arise on the web, current governments strive to incorporate invasive surveillance online.

Australia’s Refugee Challenge

Nidha Khan • May 19 2016 • Essays

As Australia is obligated to create a peaceful culture by creating policies which include asylum seekers and refugees, its human rights violations cannot continue.

A Comparative Historical Study of the Development of a European Army

Snezhana Stadnik • May 12 2016 • Essays

The historical context, political landscape, and security environments have advanced/constrained the development of a EU defense policy and potential EU army.

The Resilience of Authoritarianism in Iran After the 2009 Election

Iain MacGillivray • May 4 2016 • Essays

Examining how structural, societal and internal social factors maintain the legitimacy and durability of authoritarianism in Iran – quelling even the 2009 protests.

Saudi Arabia and the Regionalization of Yemen’s Conflict

Sumaya Almajdoub • May 3 2016 • Essays

Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen has led to the regionalization of Yemen’s war resulting in significant implications for the region as a whole.

Assessing the Relationship between Power and Morality in Nonviolent Action

Sarah Wallace • May 3 2016 • Essays

Nonviolent action can simultaneously be pragmatic in its power to achieve the desired goal and principled by being rooted initially in morality.

Examining the Dynamics of Decolonisation in Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth

Samuel Singler • May 3 2016 • Essays

Despite the centrality of violence to Fanon’s theses on decolonisation, he recognises the dangers, physical and psychological, of violence without a cause.

A Gendered Critique of the Role of Spectacular Violence in Al Qaeda

Madeleine Nyst • May 2 2016 • Essays

Al Qaeda’s construction of masculinity has given meaning to the use of spectacular violence as a tool for the restoration of a damaged sense of masculinity.

The Legality of Russian Airstrikes in Syria and ‘Intervention by Invitation’

Samuel Mercier • Apr 29 2016 • Essays

Examining the legality of Russia’s claim of ‘intervention by invitation’ & the validity of such a principle when a country fails to respect norms of international law.

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