
Hasan al-Banna and the Political Ideologisation of Islam in the 20th Century

Camille Mulcaire • Feb 2 2016 • Essays

Hasan al-Banna, founder of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, has played a significant role in the political ideologisation of Islam in the twentieth century.

Globalization: A Created Mechanism for the Restructuring of Developing States

Nathan Down • Jan 31 2016 • Essays

Globalization tends to work to the detriment of developing states and has been a powerful tool employed by Northern states with a recent proliferation of modern players.

National Security Strategy: A Case Favoring the Current Global Threat Environment

Sam Ling Gibson • Jan 30 2016 • Essays

As states’ absolute power declines and shared threats rise, the NSS becomes more important for the transition to multipolarism and coordination between disparate powers.

A “Major Terrorist Event” Case Study: Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012

Robert Tugwell • Jan 29 2016 • Essays

The Benghazi attacks ultimately assisted in the ongoing destabilisation of post-Gaddafi Libya, and advanced multiple extremist Islamist causes.

Global Justice: An Exegesis of Contemporary Theories

Corey McCabe • Jan 29 2016 • Essays

The lack of consensus on global justice is a microcosm of schisms present in international relations perspectives.

Implications of the Securitisation of Migration

Elisabeth Farny • Jan 29 2016 • Essays

The securitization of migration reinforces a politics of fear and racism.

The EU’s Promotion of Gender Equality in Egypt: Towards a New Strategy?

Sofia Bianchini • Jan 27 2016 • Essays

The EU cannot let women see their rights deteriorate, nor it can think of them as mere disadvantaged, passive recipients of its aid.

Evolving Norms: How the Libyan & Syrian Conflicts Have Affected the R2P

Jonathan Webb • Jan 26 2016 • Essays

Though the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) norm suffered a setback in the wake of the Syria crisis, the 2011 Libyan intervention offers hope & guidance for its evolution.

Why is the Discourse of ‘Islamic Terrorism’ Problematic?

Josh Holmes • Jan 26 2016 • Essays

The prescribed causal relationship between religion and violence is not only contestable but also alarmingly reductionist.

Transitioning to Democracy: The Role of the Right in Chile and Argentina

Olivia Hutchinson • Jan 21 2016 • Essays

While the left advocated the return to democracy, the right has also played an important part in the transition in both Chile and Argentina – albeit to different results.

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