
Hassan al-Banna: A Starting Point for Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalism

Mona Saleh • Jan 18 2016 • Essays

Al-Banna’s ideas of Islam’s superiority, of his conception of Islam to others, and the monopoly of the absolute truth are the first steps to judge Others as unbelievers.

Purpose, Power, and Problems: The Pursuit of Norms for Cybersecurity

Nam Khoa Nguyen • Jan 17 2016 • Essays

A norms-based approach to achieving cyber security has its merits, but there are significant coordination hurdles to overcome in order to make developing norms lasting.

Norms and the Securitisation of Infectious Diseases

Josie Hornung • Jan 15 2016 • Essays

The emergence and socialisation of the norm of responding to health threats as security threats has reshaped and expanded the global security agenda.

Navigating Nkrumah’s Theory of Neo-colonialism in the 21st Century

Udodilim Nnamdi • Jan 13 2016 • Essays

Through the lens of Kwame Nkrumah, current regional unification efforts by the African Development Bank and the African Union are shown to perpetuate neo-colonialism.

Hamas and the Women’s Movement: Islamism and Feminism Under Occupation

Filipa Pestana • Jan 12 2016 • Essays

Hamas’ takeover of Gaza marked a shift in the complex process of preparation for national sovereignty, especially for the Palestinian women’s movement.

Russia’s Double Historical Amnesia: Constructing the Shakhidki as ‘Black Widows’

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Jan 10 2016 • Essays

In a constructed malestream military, women in combat arms are inherently irregular as they take on a twofold irregularity as female fighters and irregular combatants.

Explaining US Hegemony: A Neo-Gramscian Synthesis of Pantich, Gindin and Konings

Paul Diepenbrock • Jan 9 2016 • Essays

Transnational Historical Materialism, post-war reconstruction via the Bretton Woods System and the corporate-liberal paradigm help explain the persistence of US hegemony.

Intervention, Rectificatory Justice and Immigration: France and Ben Ali

Jakob Mckernan • Jan 8 2016 • Essays

Looking at the example of France and Tunisia, past interference in the political and social life of a country should be considered as a criteria of assessing immigration.

The Role of Civil Society in Shaping India’s Development Partnerships

Shagun Gupta • Jan 7 2016 • Essays

Given the potential it has to emerge as a leader in SSDC initiatives, it is important to evaluate the dynamics of cooperation and partnership in the Indian context.

Domestic Workers in the UK’s Shadows: A Normative Assessment of Modern Slavery

Carolina Yoko Furusho • Jan 6 2016 • Essays

The current legal framework in the UK falls short of providing them with effective protection from enslavement and exploitation while also furthering their victimization.

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