
Australian National Security and Climate Change

Melanie Davey • Oct 22 2015 • Essays

Schwartz and Randall’s hypotheses based upon their influential climate change report have missed the mark in predicting the current geo-political climate in Australia

Drones and Radicalisation in Pakistan

Markus Markert • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

Relations between US drone strikes in Pakistan, the Pakistani state & ‘radicalisation’ is complex, bound up with secrecy, information problems & economic interests.

Problem or Solution? Russia’s Role in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Ana Daskalova • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

Unresolved for so many years, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has proved intractable. Ana Daskalova examines the role played by Russia as an external party to the conflict.

The Fundamental Dynamics of East Asia Security by PRC Maritime Expansion

HyunJung Kim • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

China is seeking to construct a Sino-centric order. However, Chinese foreign policy aims cause debate over whether or not its expansion is a threat to regional security.

The Case of the Western Sahara and its Struggle for Independence

Anna Murphy • Oct 18 2015 • Essays

The last colony in Africa, Western Sahara has been locked in a protracted struggle for independence for over forty years.

Beyond Thompson and Malaya: The Search for a Usable Counterinsurgency Past

Titus van de Kerke • Oct 11 2015 • Essays

Though modern British COIN doctrine has shaken off some of British COIN’s persistent myths, a more thorough and far-sighted questioning of its base principles is needed.

Towards Mature Justice: Expanding the ICC’s Independent Oversight Mechanism

Emily Tsui • Oct 11 2015 • Essays

The ICC would benefit from an extension of the IOM’s mandate to include the oversight of intermediaries used in the OTP as it will improve the Court’s judicial process.

Was Britain a ‘Good International Citizen’ under the Blair Government?

Lewis Stott • Oct 11 2015 • Essays

Whilst it may be a stretch to call Britain a GIC under Blair, he certainly presided over a distinct change in the use of ethics and morality in FP decisions.

White Women War Reporters: Interrogating the ‘Third Gender’ Category

Alex Edney-Browne • Oct 9 2015 • Essays

White women war reporters are being classified as a third gender, enabling them to break into the war reporting career, but this only perpetuates patriarchal ideas.

A Fight for Statehood? ISIS and Its Quest for Political Domination

Adele Belanger-McMurdo • Oct 5 2015 •

Although it exhibits certain state-like qualities, the Islamic State is rejected as an official, independent, and sovereign state under international law.

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