
Military Intervention in Libya: The Renewal of the Tuareg’s Self-Determination

The case of the Tuareg is emblematic to understand the possible detrimental consequences of foreign military intervention.

The Importance of Neoconservatism Since 9/11 Has Been Much Overstated

Lucie Parker • Sep 9 2015 • Essays

9/11 didn’t change the world’s threats; it changed the perceptions of these threats, sparking a re-evaluation of U.S. national security policy.

Kenya’s Paradoxical ‘Resource Curse’

Lewis Stott • Sep 7 2015 • Essays

Kenya must improve transparency, address corruption, and strengthen its institutional infrastructure if it is to avoid joining the long list of states ‘cursed’ by oil.

Justice in a World of Climate Change and the Distribution of Responsibilities

Sacha Blumen • Sep 6 2015 • Essays

Notions of global justice are irrevocably connected with the economic and social costs of climate change, which affect global social justice and the world as a whole.

A Bone in the Throat: An Analysis on the Origins of the Berlin Wall

Emily Tsui • Sep 6 2015 • Essays

The construction of the Berlin Wall was a product of the refugee crisis, challenges to the Khrushchev’s leadership, and the USSR’s failed diplomacy with the West.

Are India and China on a Collision Course of Maritime Strategies?

Andreas Fabian • Sep 6 2015 • Essays

The Chinese and Indian maritime strategies and their aspirations have disposed two powers into a collision course in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

The Economics of the Arab Uprisings

Stephen Reimer • Sep 4 2015 • Essays

Concepts like “flauntiness,” though complex and somewhat amorphous, should be engaged with to give models of economic development a new dynamic of pragmatism.

Assessing the Obama-Medvedev Reset in US-Russia Relations

Ilya Ulyanov • Sep 3 2015 • Essays

The U.S.-Russian relationship remains a selective partnership, where Moscow and Washington cooperate on some issues, because of common interests, and disagree on others.

The Global Commons: The Arctic and the Danger of a Sequel in Outer Space

George Sariak • Sep 1 2015 • Essays

Managing the global commons is a monumental task: the Arctic and outer space pose worsening problems, which can only be solved through global governance.

The Remnants of the Japanese Occupation of Modern Indonesia

Alexander Vincent Beck • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

While Dutch occupation saw Indonesia divided and ruled, policy under Japan had a unifying effect on Indonesian society and stimulated its revolt.

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