
The Concept of “State Failure” and Contemporary Security and Development Challenges

Johanna Moritz • Oct 10 2013 • Essays

Though ‘failed states’ continue to pose significant transnational security problems, the emergence of informal actors challenges the assumption of a complete absence of governance.

Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War

Justyna Maciejczak • Oct 9 2013 • Essays

Though barbaric, heinous, and atrocious, sexual violence is employed when its use makes strategic sense, i.e. is capable of inflicting maximum damage at a low cost and a high pay-off.

Violent Peacekeeping: An Evaluation of the Performance of ECOWAS in the First Liberian Civil War (1989-1996)

Asim Rizvanovic • Sep 5 2013 • Essays

The first Liberian civil war is a vital prerequisite in understanding just how fallacious the Economic Community of West African States was in its activities before, during, and after the conflict.

Shame and Violence Nexus in the Sierra Leone Civil War

Justyna Maciejczak • Sep 4 2013 • Essays

Combined with other factors, such as emotional repression and social alienation, shame may manifest itself in the form of extreme violence, as in the case of the Sierra Leone Civil War.

Has Genocide Jurisprudence Ended Impunity? Transitional Justice and the Case of Rwanda

Marissa Wong • Aug 22 2013 • Essays

International courts add a substantial dimension to global governance. However, global justice is still far from being realised.

Evaluating the Integration of the South African Women’s Movement

Roxanne Juliane Kovacs • Aug 14 2013 • Essays

Neither the increased number of female participants in politics nor the establishment of the National Gender Machinery has improved women’s material conditions in South Africa.

Legitimising Force: The Moral and Legal Ramifications of Humanitarian Intervention

James Whitehead • Aug 13 2013 • Essays

Balancing theory with practice: the success or failure to protect human lives is contingent on the need to solidify a unanimous consensus on intervention among members of the UN.

Has Guaranteed Electoral Success Left the ANC Complacent?

Olivia McQuillan • Aug 10 2013 • Essays

Electoral dominance has allowed the ANC to grow complacent. Although the public remains largely supportive, it is increasingly disillusioned by the lack of tangible progress.

Conscription of Child Soldiers: Their Own Volition?

Emilia Dungel • Aug 8 2013 • Essays

Because children play an important role in armed conflict, the question remains whether children conscript by their free will, by an overpowering adult, or by social conditions.

Women’s Water Woes: Privatization and Reinforcement of Gender Inequality

Michele Cantos • Aug 2 2013 • Essays

The privatization and commoditization of water involves complex distributional choices that disproportionately impact women and girls living in slums and informal settlements.

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