
Was the Good Governance Agenda Politically Neutral?

Georg Berger • Mar 8 2013 • Essays

There seems to be an enduring inability to understand that Africa is modernizing in its own way. The Western development discourse remains authoritarian and coercive.

The Labour Movement in Zimbabwe 1980-2012

Joe Sutcliffe • Mar 7 2013 • Essays

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions is at the centre of emancipatory, grassroots activism in Zimbabwe, providing potential for a democratic, anti-neoliberal future.

State Failure, Insecurity, and the International System

Nathalie Versavel • Mar 7 2013 • Essays

Failed states give rise to transnational security threats such as terrorism, piracy, conflict spill-over and refugee flows, making state failure a major source of insecurity today.

Economic Opportunity Model in the Angolan Civil War

Collier and Hoeffler’s economic opportunity theory does not fully account for ethnic and racial divisions, which are primarily culpable for the Angolan Civil War.

Is Terrorism the Main Threat to Human Security in Northern Africa?

Christopher Grundy • Feb 13 2013 • Essays

Events in northern Africa have helped to enhance ‘Human Security’ as a subject of scholarly research and for legitimate consideration in the realm of International Relations.

Has the Role of Children in Armed Conflict Changed?

Louise Guillaume • Feb 8 2013 • Essays

The role of children in armed conflict has not fundamentally changed since the end of the Cold War, but the international community’s legal and sociological perception of it has evolved.

Is Intervention a Useful Tool to Stop Humanitarian Crises?

Casey Sahadath • Jan 23 2013 • Essays

Humanitarian intervention creates a human rights conundrum, but it is a crucial tool in stopping humanitarian crises and protecting the welfare of civilian populations caught therein.

Obstacles to Peace Agreements

Katrine Steingrimsen • Jan 8 2013 • Essays

As learned from the failure of negotiations in Rwanda and Sierra Leone, the likelihood for parties to commit to an agreement improves if peace is made desirable and continued war costly.

Is Terrorism the Main Threat to Human Security in Northern Africa?

Christopher Grundy • Dec 9 2012 • Essays

Terrorism is undoubtedly an inimical factor in the pursuit of human security, although it is by no means the only issue and not the most significant either.

Rwanda: The Genocide, Its Aftermath, and the Tragedy of Victor’s Justice

Karim Shanahan • Nov 12 2012 • Essays

The failure of the ICTR to deliver equal justice to RPF war criminals as those Hutus who perpetuated the Rwandan genocide threatens to set a dangerous international precedent.

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