
The Angolan Civil War: Conflict Economics or the Divine Right of Kings?

Ben Rosie • Dec 2 2020 • Essays

The long duration of the Angolan Civil War must be understood through interconnected factors that ebbed and flowed as the national and international context changed.

Analysing Principal-Agent Relationships in Liberia during the Ebola Crisis

Dolores Cviticanin • Nov 28 2020 • Essays

There is a clear negative correlation between Liberian public trust in their President and Parliament and the number of new Ebola cases rising.

French Intervention in West Africa: Interests and Strategies (2013–2020)

Sudarshan Pujari • Oct 29 2020 • Essays

Recent militancy in West Africa has prompted France to abandon its indirect approach to African security in favor of more forceful military interventions.

Pax Kigali: Reconciliation and Peace in Contemporary Rwanda

Reon van der Merwe • Oct 28 2020 • Essays

The ruling RPF party must succeed in forging an inclusive Rwandan identity, beyond the dichotomous genocide narrative, to move from a repressive to sustainable peace.

How MONUSCO Contributed to Constructing the DRC as the ‘Dark Heart’ of Africa

Sofia Romansky • Oct 16 2020 • Essays

The role and scope of MONUSCO forces in the DRC were greatly influenced by Western perceptions of the country as the “dark” heart of Africa.

A New Grand Strategy for a New World Order: US Disengagement from Sub-Saharan Africa

Lila Ovington • Aug 19 2020 • Essays

The post-Cold War grand strategy of the US appeared to make little space for sub-Saharan Africa after losing its ‘utility’ as a platform for East-West proxy conflicts.

Accepting the Unacceptable: Christian Churches and the 1994 Rwandan Genocide

Rita Deliperi • Aug 9 2020 • Essays

The role the Christian Church played has come to represent one of heaviest failures of Christian ethics and the institutions that profess and practice its commandments.

State Feminism and the Islamist-Secularist Binary: Women’s Rights in Tunisia

Kira Jinkinson • Jul 27 2020 • Essays

Contrary to the standard narratives promoted in the West, the coming to power of an Islamist party in Tunisia has not been detrimental to women’s rights.

The (Un)intended Effects of the United Nations on the Libyan Civil War Oil Economy

Marius Zeevaert • Jul 18 2020 • Essays

The United Nations crude oil commodity sanctions on all non-governmental actors had manifold consequences on the Libyan civil war oil economy.

A Critical Analysis of Libya’s State-Building Challenges Post-Revolution

Jasheil Athalia • Jul 7 2020 • Essays

Libya’s security dilemma is tied to the challenges of state-building and democratisation processes reflected through its weak institutions and legitimacy issues.

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