
More than a Seat in the General Assembly: The Recognition of de facto States

Flora Marlene Willimek • Aug 27 2024 • Essays

Particularly in the case of de facto states, non-formal recognition practices can play a major role in constructing sovereignty and statehood for the territory in question.

Unmasking the Narrative: Is China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy Fact or Fiction?

Devyansh Dullar • Aug 19 2024 • Essays

Claims of China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy stem from a Western bias against China and China’s opaque lending practices, but there is little evidence such claims are factual.

Sovereignty with Chinese Characteristics? Norms in a Changing World Order

Merete Looft • May 27 2024 • Essays

The contradiction between China’s discourse on and practices of sovereignty constitutes a form of ‘organized hypocrisy’, explicable by the logic of capitalist expansion.

Cross-Strait Authority Dynamics and Panda Diplomacy Gift-Giving Rituals

Mia Westfere • Apr 30 2024 • Essays

China had the calculations of authority and timing wrong in gifting pandas to Taiwan, turning Taiwanese sentiment against trust and goodwill toward the mainland.

Women’s Rights in North Korea: Reputational Defense or Labor Mobilization?

Yesun Kim • Mar 22 2024 • Essays

The plight of North Korean women is evident in the Kim regime’s exploitation of their labor and lack of protection for their rights, despite its rhetoric.

Revisiting Cold War Rhetoric: Implications of North Korean Strategic Culture

Chenjun Wang • Mar 7 2024 • Essays

Changes in exogenous conditions interact with North Korea’s strategic culture of Juche, leading to variations in its ‘rational’ security choices during the Cold War and now.

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women’s Failures in Fiji

Sarah Furman • Feb 29 2024 • Essays

Fiji fails to decrease the occurrence of gender-based violence despite the ratification of the CEDAW due to several intersecting factors.

The Origins of Regionalism in the EU and ASEAN

Dominika Remžová • Feb 25 2024 • Essays

Both convergence and divergence in the extra- and intra-regional security dynamics shaped the emergence/deepening of the Cold War-era EU and ASEAN.

Australia, China, and the Darwin Port Lease as a Public-Private Partnership

Robin Pelenyi • Feb 24 2024 • Essays

The Darwin Port lease was justified by privileging market values, but trouble emerged when it became necessary to incorporate non-market national security values.

Exploring Past and Present of British Sexual Governance Across the Commonwealth

Evie Celeste Wayne • Dec 25 2023 • Essays

The performative and neocolonial nature of British LGBT discourse represents a continuation of the Empire through a seemingly progressive and benevolent agenda.

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