
Recursive Politics: The 20th-Century Roots of China’s Return to Monarchy

Christopher Boose • Nov 4 2019 • Essays

A look into the history and political philosophy of China explains its current authoritarian tendencies.

Security Implications of the Export of Chinese Surveillance Systems

Vincent Boucher • Oct 16 2019 • Essays

China legitimizes its position in the world by promoting its surveillance state model as a stable alternative to democracies and other autocracies.

Assessing Global Response to Rising Sea Levels: Who Needs to Be Involved?

Dominique Grabau • Oct 10 2019 • Essays

Addressing rising sea levels that affect islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans will allow for stronger climate change solutions globally.

Shaping the Transnational Capitalist Class: TNCs and the Global Economy

Chiara Reverdito • Oct 6 2019 • Essays

The trans-nationalisation of production has benefited and structurally shaped society through the creation of a Transnational Corporate Class in host countries.

Should the Rome Statute Include the Crime of Ecocide?

Ari Bilotta • Aug 28 2019 • Essays

The crime of ‘Ecocide’ is analysed within the context of the Vietnam War, suggesting that it should be added to the Rome Statute.

The US Cannot Take the Japanese Alliance for Granted

Lucas Thoma • Jun 24 2019 • Essays

Japan is likely to be the ultimate determining factor in peace and stability in East Asia. To avoid insecurity and great power war, diplomatic efforts should be pursued.

Revisiting Inevitability and Misperceptions: The 1962 Sino-Indian War

Akshaya Devasia • May 26 2019 • Essays

As shown by the Sino-Indian war, states can seriously misperceive each other’s true actions and intent.

Returning Rohingya: What Does the “Voluntary” in “Voluntary Repatriation” Mean?

Jonas Skorzak • May 13 2019 • Essays

To examine the voluntariness of voluntary repatriation for Rohingya refugees, a new definition of voluntariness based on acceptable alternatives and capabilities is used.

Soviet Legacies and the Consolidation of Economic Rentierism in Kazakhstan

Mira Sairanen • Apr 22 2019 • Essays

Soviet legacies helped shape Central Asia both economically and politically. In post-independence Kazakhstan, these legacies facilitated the rise of economic rentierism.

Building Boundaries: The Sources of Nagorno Karabakh’s De Facto Statehood

Larissa de Castro Nogueira • Mar 11 2019 • Essays

This essay explains the variety of forces that operate within Nagorno Karabakh’s enclave – especially the ones related to Nation-Building and State-Making processes.

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