
Taiwan’s Democratisation and China’s Quest for Cross-Strait Reunification

Tommy Sheng Hao Chai • Sep 5 2018 • Essays

Taiwan’s democratic consolidation has fundamentally altered cross-strait politics and has reshaped the debate along the lines of national identity.

How History Shapes India’s Foreign Policy Goals

Alison Quinn • Aug 4 2018 • Essays

A historical perspective is required to understand how India’s past as a both a dominant and an oppressed power affects its modern foreign policy identity.

‘One Belt, One Road’: Sign of a Revisionist or Integrative China?

Akil Yunus • Jul 22 2018 • Essays

The motive for the OBOR initiative ought to be viewed from a realist lens, failing to do so would grossly underestimate China’s growing authority in the region.

The Impact of China’s OBOR Initiative on Australia’s Geopolitical Realities

Andrew Allsopp • Apr 19 2018 • Essays

The IPE analytical model demonstrates that China’s OBOR initiative is a sophisticated strategy that potentially solves several of China’s economic and political dilemmas.

Hegemonic Challenge: Chinese State Capitalism and its Growing Global Presence

Samuel Davis • Mar 14 2018 • Essays

Chinese state capitalism represents an alternative approach to the Washington Consensus dominated by the U.S. and other developed countries.

Is China Using the AIIB to Reinvent Asian Regionalism?

Amreeta Das • Mar 12 2018 • Essays

China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will not reinvent Asian regionalism as we know it today and will instead strengthen existing regional ties.

The Future Prospects of the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance: A Two-Handed Strategy

Miki Hiyashi • Oct 14 2017 • Essays

The US-Japan security alliance is at a crossroads. A “two-handed” strategy of intensifying security cooperation while engaging a rising China is the best way forward.

Grievances, Strategies, and Demands of the Contemporary Chinese Labour Movement

Andrea Brügger Aakre • Oct 9 2017 • Essays

The Chinese state’s capitalist transformation in the 1970’s primed the current exploitation of rural workers, which has resulted in sizable labor movement protests.

Is China the New Hegemon of East Asia?

Jonathan Pugh • Oct 8 2017 • Essays

China, despite its aspirations for renewed dominance in East Asia, is not yet in a position to challenge the United States’ military pre-eminence in the Western Pacific.

Authoritarian Difussion and the Failure of the “Colour Revolutions” to Spread

Davide Giordanengo • Sep 28 2017 • Essays

Can the concept of “Authoritarian Difussion” explain the unsuccessful spread of the colour revolution and the repressive measures that illiberal regimes have taken after?

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