
Economic Interdependence and Conflict – The Case of the US and China

Joel Einstein • Jan 17 2017 • Essays

The liberal assumption that high levels of trade and investment between two states like the US and China will make war unlikely, if not impossible, is overly simplistic.

An Analysis of the Indian Further Education System Regarding Gender Inequality

Katy Edwards • Jan 13 2017 • Essays

Gender inequality in India’s further education system is investigated through the variables of transition rates, subjects chosen, literacy rates and early marriage.

China’s Cooperation on the Mekong River in the Realm of Complex Interdependence

Max Neugebauer • Dec 4 2016 • Essays

As the most important and powerful upstream country in Asia, China becomes imperative to any cooperation on water-related issues.

Dependency Theory: A Useful Tool for Analyzing Global Inequalities Today?

Elisabeth Farny • Nov 23 2016 • Essays

Several thoughts and concepts from the dependency approach are still applicable for making sense of global inequalities in today’s globalized world.

Human Rights and the ‘ASEAN Way’: Political Barriers to Progress

Byron Nagy • Nov 16 2016 • Essays

Little progress has been made towards the realisation of human rights in ASEAN, and attempts … will continue to perform poorly.

Factors Behind Deteriorating Sino-Japanese Relations

Gerald Sim • Nov 1 2016 • Essays

Incidents such as territorial disputes and nationalist protests are but symptoms of deeper undercurrents at work in deteriorating Sino-Japanese relations.

Why Infanticide Happens Almost Exclusively to Girls and Not Boys

Mohammed Adel Chowdhury • Sep 9 2016 • Essays

The interplay of attitudes and economics within a context of poverty is presented as an explanation as to why females are almost exclusively the victims of infanticide.

Truth Commissions and the Mental Health of Victims

Jorge Gutierrez Lucena • Aug 28 2016 • Essays

Testifying before truth-telling mechanisms, such as truth commissions and gacaca, can cause psychological harm to the participants.

US-China Relations in Cyberspace: The Benefits and Limits of a Realist Analysis

Elizabeth Thomas • Aug 28 2016 • Essays

Offensive realism provides a useful framework for considering the national security rivalry in cyberspace and illuminates the current security competition.

A Just Cause? The Eastern Interpretation of Just War Theory

Toh Junhan • Aug 25 2016 • Essays

Western ‘Just War Theory’ has influenced International Relations for centuries, but is significantly different to the Indian and Chinese interpretation.

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