
Securing the Energy Supply: China’s “Malacca Dilemma”

Matthew Caesar-Gordon • Feb 26 2016 • Essays

For China to ensure the future security of its energy supply, it must balance the protection of its critical sea lanes with the seeking of alternative energy sources.

The Contested Image of Māori Cultural Exhibition in Aotearoa New Zealand

James Harrison • Feb 15 2016 • Essays

The presentation of Māori people in New Zealand has changed greatly since their first major appearance in 1851, evolving from curios to cultural treasures.

Globalization: A Created Mechanism for the Restructuring of Developing States

Nathan Down • Jan 31 2016 • Essays

Globalization tends to work to the detriment of developing states and has been a powerful tool employed by Northern states with a recent proliferation of modern players.

The Role of Civil Society in Shaping India’s Development Partnerships

Shagun Gupta • Jan 7 2016 • Essays

Given the potential it has to emerge as a leader in SSDC initiatives, it is important to evaluate the dynamics of cooperation and partnership in the Indian context.

The Racialisation of Rape Narratives in British Media Coverage of the Delhi Rape

Scarlett Cockerill • Jan 5 2016 • Essays

The symbolic and emotive potential of rape narratives has, throughout colonial and post-colonial history, been powerfully employed in connection with race.

Snake Oil: US Foreign Policy, Afghanistan, and the Cold War

Vincent J. Tumminello II • Dec 27 2015 • Essays

Afghanistan has become a “snake country”: where loyalty can only be rented, solutions are always temporary, and the law of the stronger prevails.

The BRICS: Rhetoric or Reality?

Laura Peitz • Dec 22 2015 • Essays

The BRICs have been portrayed as a new paradigm threatening the contemporary liberal world order. Yet, there is also disagreement and competition between BRICs states.

The Growing “Discomfort” with Comfort Women between South Korea and Japan

Minseon Ku • Nov 11 2015 •

The comfort women issue has been a boiling point between South Korea and Japan, one that won’t likely simmer anytime soon.

Pakistan in The New Great Game: On Gwadar Port

Markus Markert • Oct 26 2015 • Essays

The port of Gwadar (Baluchistan, Pakistan) is a site of potential major geopolitical importance. There, Pakistan, China, India & the US are vying for strategic influence.

Australian National Security and Climate Change

Melanie Davey • Oct 22 2015 • Essays

Schwartz and Randall’s hypotheses based upon their influential climate change report have missed the mark in predicting the current geo-political climate in Australia

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