
The Fundamental Dynamics of East Asia Security by PRC Maritime Expansion

HyunJung Kim • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

China is seeking to construct a Sino-centric order. However, Chinese foreign policy aims cause debate over whether or not its expansion is a threat to regional security.

Beyond Thompson and Malaya: The Search for a Usable Counterinsurgency Past

Titus van de Kerke • Oct 11 2015 • Essays

Though modern British COIN doctrine has shaken off some of British COIN’s persistent myths, a more thorough and far-sighted questioning of its base principles is needed.

How Has China Been Safeguarding Its Oil Imports from the Middle East and Africa?

Nikola Zadzorova • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

Although oil is significant for Chinese economic development, the country’s ‘peaceful rise’ advocated as Chinese strategy of development should be called into question.

Crouching Tiger, Blue Helmet: Chinese Combat Troops in UN Peace Operations

Adam Moscoe • Oct 3 2015 • Essays

Introduction of combat soldiers reaffirms China’s commitment to support the fulfillment of UN peacekeeping mandates—mandates that China endorsed in the Security Council.

China’s Telecommunications Boom in Africa: Causes and Consequences

Alfred Wong • Sep 21 2015 • Essays

Africa is experiencing a mobile revolution. Chinese telecommunication companies are playing a significant role in this.

A Bone in the Throat: An Analysis on the Origins of the Berlin Wall

Emily Tsui • Sep 6 2015 • Essays

The construction of the Berlin Wall was a product of the refugee crisis, challenges to the Khrushchev’s leadership, and the USSR’s failed diplomacy with the West.

Are India and China on a Collision Course of Maritime Strategies?

Andreas Fabian • Sep 6 2015 • Essays

The Chinese and Indian maritime strategies and their aspirations have disposed two powers into a collision course in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

The Remnants of the Japanese Occupation of Modern Indonesia

Alexander Vincent Beck • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

While Dutch occupation saw Indonesia divided and ruled, policy under Japan had a unifying effect on Indonesian society and stimulated its revolt.

The Iraq War as More Divisive in Transatlantic Relations than the War on Terror

Alexis McGivern • Aug 23 2015 • Essays

Though the Iraq War seems to be much more divisive than the global “war on terror”, the transatlantic relationship continues to exist and cooperate.

Climate Change and Australian National Security

Max Munday • Aug 23 2015 • Essays

There are more effective methods of addressing climate change and national security than those that solely focus on the symptoms, rather than causes, of climate change.

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