
Shared Stewardship: A Solomonic Solution to the South China Sea Conflict

Sass Rogando Sasot • Aug 9 2015 • Essays

The Biblical story of King Solomon and the two mothers can serve as a metaphorical tool to conceive a possible way out of the South China Sea impasse.

The Impact of the Geopolitics of Energy: China and Angola

Liam Fitzgerald • Aug 3 2015 • Essays

China and Angola illustrate that the geopolitics of energy adversely affect the prospects for development and democracy in energy-exporting states.

The Impact of Nationalism on Chinese Foreign Policy Towards Japan

Mark Purvis • Jul 27 2015 • Essays

In China, the CCP promotes the narrative of humiliation as part of a nationalist discourse, projecting opposition outwards and making the CCP a harbinger of stability.

NATO’s Comprehensive Approach in Afghanistan: Origins, Development, and Outcome

Sverrir Steinsson • Jul 26 2015 • Essays

The peace operations of the 1990s, Danish initiative-taking, several NATO summits, and Obama’s election were all factors that led to the adoption of the CA by NATO.

The Spratly Islands Dispute – A Discourse Analysis

Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

A constructivist approach through discourse analysis as described by Lene Hansen highlights essential and previously neglected dynamics of the Spratly Islands dispute.

The Doha Development Round and Challenges to Multilateral Trade Negotiations

Terence Fernandes • Jul 13 2015 • Essays

While some view the Bali Package as a much needed life-line for the WTO, critics note that the agreement papers over the tough issues that the WTO will face later on.

Explaining South Korean Policy Toward the United States, 1987-2014

Joshua Hyung Joon Byun • Jul 12 2015 • Essays

Despite elements of disagreement in its policy outlook, Seoul has been eager to remain a valuable and contributing member in the US-led regional and global architecture.

The Reagan Administration’s Strategic Defense Initiative during the Cold War

Ramin Karbasi • Jul 7 2015 • Essays

The decision to pursue the protracted, costly, and dubious SDI, the technology for which was not fully understood by US leadership, was ineffective and ultimately unwise.

Ukraine Conflict: The Final Push For Peace

Peter J. Marzalik • Jun 17 2015 • Essays

The Minsk Protocols have gradually paved the road toward peace, but serious problems remain both in the formulation and implementation of the agreement.

What Accounts for the Sino-Russian Alliance?

Matt Finucane • Jun 8 2015 • Essays

Sino–Russian relations are better today than at any point throughout their troubled history, due to the structure of the inter-state system and domestic factors.

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