
“You Blaspheme, You Die”—The Rise of Anti-Blasphemy in Pakistan

Rishabh Chawda • Dec 13 2023 • Essays

The mala fide accusations, indifference to intent, killing before legal proceedings conclude and impact on minorities point to anti-blasphemy in Pakistan as politicised.

Development and Authoritarianism: China’s Political Culture and Economic Reforms

Vivian Le • Nov 20 2023 • Essays

China’s economic reform avoided democratisation by balancing capitalism and socialism, highlighting industrial survival and nationalism, evading radical political change.

The Cambodian Genocide: Operationalizing Violence Through Ideology

Wei Azim Hung • Oct 16 2023 • Essays

The case of the Cambodian Genocide suggests that ideology does not only motivate but potentially supplements rational motives in operationalizing wide-scale violence.

Malaysian Language Policy: The Impact of Globalization and Ethnic Nationalism

Chisato Maezawa • Sep 22 2023 • Essays

In Malaysia, globalization has made English more important, yet without undermining the status of Malay. Ethnic nationalism also has little impact on its language policy.

Norm-taker or Norm-shaper: Is China Socialising into Norms of Intervention?

Elizabeth McGowan • Sep 11 2023 • Essays

Language has been expanded to give China greater flexibility in discourse about intervention showing that it has become a tactical tool rather than a deeply held value.

Russia and the “Near Abroad”: (Re)producing Identities through Foreign Policy

Mak Kasapovic • Aug 28 2023 • Essays

The practices of Russian foreign policy serve to call into being a “near abroad” with a certain identity and instantiate a particular construction of Russian identity itself.

Beyond the Narrative of China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy

Alain Tao • Aug 2 2023 • Essays

Looking beyond the popular narrative of Chinese debt-trap diplomacy, it becomes clear that it does not hold up to scrutiny.

The Violence of Our Imaginations: War, Women, Nation

Priavi Joshi • Jul 31 2023 • Essays

Perception of women as a nation’s reproducers justifies and motivates strategic sexual violence against them in, and even after, ethno-nationalist wars.

Poliheuristic Analysis: 2008 Indo-US Civil Nuclear Agreement

Samanvaya Saraswat • Jul 18 2023 • Essays

Poliheuristic Choice Theory allows to incorporate domestic matters into the analysis of the India’s strategy in Indo-US civilian nuclear deal negotiations.

Nasser’s Ideology vs Practice: Postcolonial Critique of Egypt’s Yemen Intervention

Amadeus Marzai • Jul 7 2023 • Essays

Nasser subjugated Yemen to a dialectic of security and development, thereby rationalising the expedition’s imperiality and massive violence.

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