
Japanese Imperialism as a Self Defence Mechanism

Mathew Bonnon • Apr 9 2015 • Essays

Nationalism and a fear of foreign domination led Japan to pursue domestic and external reform, shun traditional Sino-centrism, and build a European-style empire in Asia.

Interpreting the Rise of China: Realist and Liberalist Perspectives

Nabil Hudda • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

Neither Realism nor Liberalism provide a comprehensive explanation of the rise of China; only a synthesis of the two paradigms can be sufficient.

The Islamic State: More than a Terrorist Group?

Felipe Umaña • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

The Islamic State (IS) is a hybrid organization which has characteristics of various non-state actors and has signs of a nascent de facto state.

Do Revolutions Lead to Greater Security or Insecurity?

Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard • Mar 12 2015 • Essays

Whether revolutions result in greater security or insecurity is entirely dependent on whose security is being discussed.

The Fear of Asia and Changes in Australian National Defence Policy

Benjamin Robbins • Mar 11 2015 • Essays

Australian national defence policy has consistently been founded on the fear of perceived threats to national security within the region of Asia.

One War, Many Reasons: The US Invasion of Iraq

Markus Nikolas Heinrich • Mar 9 2015 • Essays

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the culmination of a long series of events and the product of many complex, different, and yet interrelated factors.

Containing China? The United States in the South Pacific Since 2011

Matt Stansfield • Feb 25 2015 • Essays

The rebalancing by the United States towards the South Pacific is less about containment and is more about competitive engagement in the region.

Logged In: Transforming the Political Process in Russia

Ivan Bakalov • Feb 13 2015 • Essays

The Internet has had a positive impact on the provision of the normative good of democratic self-determination and participation in the Russian Federation.

Assessing the British Counter-Insurgency Effort in Malaya

James Flint • Feb 11 2015 • Essays

Attempts to compare Malaya with other counterinsurgency campaigns such as the Vietnam War or Afghanistan War are limited in value and risk dangerous over-simplifications

Analysing NATO’s Role in Afghanistan

Jonjo Robb • Feb 8 2015 • Essays

Throughout its endeavour, NATO has faced many key challenges in its crisis management operation in Afghanistan.

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