
Historical Animosity: One of Many Sources of Sino–Japanese Tensions Today

Rachel Hao • Jan 21 2015 • Essays

Historical animosity has been a major factor in Sino–Japanese tensions, but strategic regional objectives remain their primary motivator.

Starvation: A Political Phenomenon

Bede Thompson • Jan 17 2015 • Essays

While their natural aspects and influences should not be disregarded, famine and starvation must be viewed primarily as a breakdown in social and political systems.

To What Extent is Reconciliation an Appropriate Term in Post-Conflict Societies?

Matthew Richmond • Dec 29 2014 • Essays

Due to unrealistic expectations associated with ‘thick’ reconciliation, ‘thin’ reconciliation offers practical realities and moral intent in post-conflict scenarios.

A Constructivist Approach to China’s Aircraft Carrier Ambitions

Frederick Melling • Dec 28 2014 • Essays

The symbolic power of the aircraft carrier was key to China’s public demand to develop aircraft capabilities and reflective of desires to achieve world power prestige.

Political Legitimacy in Post-Tiananmen China

Clement Chen • Dec 19 2014 • Essays

Tiananmen, although isolated as a catalyst for subsequent domestic reforms in China, was only one of a number of structural factors which led to the China of today.

What Would a Fair Immigration Policy Look Like?

Jake Brown • Dec 3 2014 • Essays

If one denies the right to enter, so too they deny the right to leave; a fair immigration policy is one which employs open borders and relaxed restrictions.

Strategic Offensive Weapons and the International System

Davis Florick • Nov 26 2014 • Essays

Globalization has reduced the importance of space in geopolitics, but Iraq, Iran and North Korea have developed capabilities to increase the value of space.

The Impacts of Rising China on Global Economic Governance

Jiun Da Lin • Nov 25 2014 • Essays

Though currently harmonised, China’s preferences as a rising economic power have become an important determinant of global economic governance.

The Asian Development State: An Evaluation

Jessica Tselepy • Nov 22 2014 • Essays

The Asian Development State emerged after WWII as an alternative and effective model of economic development when compared to the dominant US model.

Presidential War Powers in Vietnam

Haley O'Shaughnessy • Nov 19 2014 • Essays

With Johnson’s executive mandate for war and Nixon’s justification of executive authority, the Vietnam War set a dangerous precedent for presidential war powers.

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