
Shared Concerns with Opposite Outcomes: Myanmar and DPRK on China’s Border

Curtis Bram • Nov 19 2014 • Essays

The shared threat of China provides an interesting and underutilized way to examine the strategic decision to pursue reform or retrenchment in North Korea and Myanmar.

Popular Culture & the Representation of Women’s ‘Agency’ During Indian Partition

Arpita Roy • Nov 5 2014 • Essays

From popular culture in India, we can identify examples of the strategic deployment of women’s agency. Discussions of agency are necessary for feminist resistance.

Post-Communist Transitions and Military Conflict in Asia

In China, Laos, and Vietnam, the move from planned to market-oriented economies has increased free trade and diminished levels of international conflict and hostility.

The Asian Tigers from Independence to Industrialisation

Bruno Marshall Shirley • Oct 16 2014 • Essays

Do the lessons learned from the rapid economic growth of the Tigers from the 1960s through the 1990s have a practical application in contemporary development?

An Examination of Russia’s Foreign Policy Through The Clash of Civilizations

Matthew Rae • Oct 8 2014 • Essays

Russia’s actions of late are difficult to understand through traditional paradigms, but Huntington’s Clash of Civilization paradigm offers a holistic view of the crisis.

Unmasking China’s Assertive Behaviour in the Maritime Sphere

Fareed Amir • Sep 29 2014 • Essays

China’s assertive behaviour in the South China Sea (SCS) and East China Sea (ECS) is primarily motivated by nationalism and economic interests.

Is Pacific Asia Returning to Sinocentrism?

Bard Nikolas Vik Steen • Sep 14 2014 • Essays

Although Pacific Asia seems to be progressing toward Sinocentrism, it is unlikely to return to such a state.

Non-Western Perspectives on Constitutional Supremacy

Sheena Singh • Aug 8 2014 • Essays

Greater flexibility, vulnerability, and uncertainty differentiate constitutional supremacy in non-Western countries such as Turkey and India from Western nations.

‘Alternative Development’ as a Policy to Combat Illegal Drug Production

Adam Barr • Aug 6 2014 • Essays

Alternative development programmes, and supply-side policies in general, have been ineffective in combating illegal drug production at the national and regional level.

Victim-Politics and Post-Conflict Foreign Policy in Rwanda and Sri Lanka

Kithmina Hewage • Jul 24 2014 • Essays

Sri Lanka and Rwanda elicit a sense of victimhood upon which their respective foreign policies have been built.

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