
The Incompatibility of COIN Warfare and Nation-Building in Iraq and Afghanistan

Ibrahim Gabr • Jul 22 2014 • Essays

The disjuncture between kinetic elements of American COIN doctrine and the nation-building mission inherent to ‘new’ conflicts lies at the root of ongoing difficulties.

Will Japan Become a Nuclear Weapons Power?

Heath Pickering • Jun 29 2014 • Essays

Japan’s non-nuclear policy appears to be a pragmatic realisation of numerous domestic factors, perceptions of regional security, and faith in the US alliance.

UN Peacekeeping: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan’s Troop Contributions

Priscilla Cabuyao • Jun 18 2014 • Essays

From a realist perspective, the impressive devotion of top-troop contributors to UN Peacekeeping is rooted in several political, professional, and economic motivations.

The Pursuit of Strategic Stability: An OSCE-like Infrastructure For South Asia

Davis Florick • Jun 10 2014 • Essays

Modeling a multinational organization on the example of the OSCE is an ideal method for achieving improved regional security for the states in South Asia.

A Tale of Two Partitions: The First Indo-Pakistani War and the Palestine War

Christopher Klune • May 28 2014 • Essays

The potentiality of statehood provided by partition filled the nation building fervor of Hindus, Muslims, Arabs, and Jews.

The Weakening of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Phil Henderson • May 26 2014 • Essays

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is at best a compromise for indigenous peoples, at worst an attempt by states to maintain structures of injustice.

Uneven and Combined Development & World Systems Analysis: A Combined Approach

Ueli Staeger • May 26 2014 • Essays

‘World-systems Analysis’ & ‘Uneven and Combined Development’ – when combined & further theorised – provide an illuminating approach to the global system’s functioning.

Indian-occupied Kashmir?

Sahil Mathur • May 20 2014 • Essays

In order for the Indian Army to be held accountable for its actions in Kashmir, the people of India must be aware of and sensitised to the human rights abuses committed.

Sino-US Contestation over Regional Hegemony in the Asia-Pacific

Raphael Kunz • May 15 2014 • Essays

Although a hegemonic transition remains unlikely within the next two decades, the Asia-Pacific will be a region of Sino-U.S. power competition and increasing instability.

The Effectiveness of Soft & Hard Power in Contemporary International Relations

Jan-Philipp N E Wagner • May 14 2014 • Essays

‘Hard’ & ‘soft’ power are competing approaches to power in IR. Soft power is increasingly effective & hard power less so; ‘smart power’ offers a promising third strategy.

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