
Negotiating the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Lessons Learnt

Lisa Farrah Ho • May 7 2014 • Essays

The Convention on Cluster Munitions is a model for future disarmament negotiations due to its patience and focus on humanitarianism and broad engagement.

What is the Principal Object of the International Legal System?

Matthew Richmond • Apr 30 2014 • Essays

Individuals & organizations are increasingly gaining traction in a state-dominant international legal order, a piecemeal process that may result in a global constitution.

US Policy in China Leading Up to the Boxer Rebellion

Matt Finucane • Apr 14 2014 • Essays

The impulse that drove America to look to China was brought about by harsh economic realities, and ideological considerations would consistently take second place.

Consolidating New Forms of Citizenship in Turkey

Berkin Safak Sener • Apr 13 2014 • Essays

A religion-based, Ottomanistic definition of Turkish identity not only challenges the Kemalist roots of the state but also contributes to a postmodernisation of them.

Crouching Dragon, Ambling Elephant, and the Hawkish Eagle

Divya Srikanth • Apr 12 2014 • Essays

The US strategic “pivot” to India can be a source of stability to India-China relations, depending on how India’s foreign policy balances both US and China.

Is Nuclear Technology the Answer to Asia’s Energy Future?

anon • Apr 5 2014 • Essays

Asia’s energy future depends on increasing energy efficiency, reducing fossil fuel imports, and increasing the role of renewable and nuclear energies.

Rhetoric, Perspectives, and Reactions of the Soviet Union to US-China Relations

Adam Moscoe • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

By lacking a coherent strategy, the Soviet Union failed to acknowledge the possibility that the US could be seeking an easing of tensions with both communist superpowers.

Contemporary Petitioning and Chinese Internet Censorship

Tae Eon Ahn • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

Current Chinese Internet censorship efforts resemble a petitioning (complaint) system Chinese leaders have employed in various forms since the Zhou dynasty.

Humanitarian Intervention: Advantages and Disadvantages in East Timor and Kosovo

Rebecca Morton • Mar 29 2014 • Essays

The intervention in East Timor illustrated how armed force can save lives, but intervention in Kosovo failed to provide a long-term solution and did more harm than good.

Political Corruption and Insecurity in Southeast Asia

Cristian Vaduva • Mar 26 2014 • Essays

Political corruption in Southeast Asia is an important threat to political and economic security, as external influences on corruption create domestic insecurity.

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