
Humanitarian Intervention: Advantages and Disadvantages in East Timor and Kosovo

Rebecca Morton • Mar 29 2014 • Essays

The intervention in East Timor illustrated how armed force can save lives, but intervention in Kosovo failed to provide a long-term solution and did more harm than good.

Political Corruption and Insecurity in Southeast Asia

Cristian Vaduva • Mar 26 2014 • Essays

Political corruption in Southeast Asia is an important threat to political and economic security, as external influences on corruption create domestic insecurity.

A Human Security Approach to Addressing Piracy Off the Coast of Africa

Allan McRae • Mar 25 2014 • Essays

A naval approach to Somali piracy is & will continue to be ineffective – it doesn’t address its root causes. Piracy will continue without a human security approach.

Getting Japan Wrong: A Review of David Kang’s ‘Describing East Asia’

Paul Winter • Mar 23 2014 • Essays

Japan’s perception of China cannot be described as an ‘absence of fear.’ Rather, the dichotomous Sino-Japanese relationship is one of ‘hot economics, cold politics’.

The Major Limits to Naval Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

Stefanie Kam • Mar 17 2014 • Essays

Due to crucial political, strategic, military and security difficulties, the Asia-Pacific region is experiencing less naval cooperation than the Western nations.

Is Sex Work an Expression of Women’s Choice and Agency?

Sophia Gore • Mar 14 2014 • Essays

Sex work is not legitimate work or an expression of agency. It is a social issue which can be tackled through delegitimising consumers rather than alienating prostitutes.

The Deployment of Female Counterinsurgents in Afghanistan

Charlotte Fraser • Feb 22 2014 • Essays

Whilst the deployment of female engagement teams in Afghanistan may have signaled a symbolic change in how COIN is practiced, their existence plays only a supporting role.

Is Microcredit an Effective Policy Tool For Promoting Women’s Empowerment?

Roxanne Kovacs • Jan 20 2014 • Essays

MC Interventions do not promote women’s empowerment. Women in the developing world do not only experience a cash flow problem, but are caught in complex systems of subordination and inequality.

Assessing the ASEAN Community Project: Constructivism and the Problem of Inflexible Norms

Venessa Parekh • Jan 8 2014 • Essays

In analyzing Southeast Asian affairs, policy-makers and academics must take a critical, “value-neutral”, rather than a “faith-affirming,” approach.

Japan and the Rise of China

Max Munday • Jan 5 2014 • Essays

Adjustments need to be made to Japan’s strategic policies toward China to ensure that domestic legitimacy concerns do not exploit existing pressures that would destabilise the Sino-Japanese relationship.

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