
The Australian Green Movement: A Sustainable Future?

Siddharth Sethi • Nov 14 2013 • Essays

Much like the minor parties before them, the Australian Greens face several challenges regarding the Australian electoral framework and the party’s participatory organisation.

Comparing the New Life Movement to the Cultural Revolution

Mike Pitstick • Nov 14 2013 • Essays

Compared to the Cultural Revolution, had there been increased foreign support, the New Life Movement could have been a defining doctrine of Modern China, not a blip on the history books.

Do Regional Institutions Transmit Global or Regional Norms and Values?

Ben Willis • Nov 8 2013 • Essays

Shared local histories and cultures allow for regional institutions, such as the EU and ASEAN, to promote and transmit regional norms and values to all member states.

China and Japan’s Responses to the West in the 19th Century

Giulia Valentini • Nov 4 2013 • Essays

Japan and China reacted differently to pressure from the West in the 19th century: Japan opened trade with the West and modernized successfully, neither of which China did.

The Power of One: The Emperor Responsible for the 1972 China-US Relations

Matthew Krnich • Nov 4 2013 • Essays

Chinese – US diplomacy in 1972 would have been impossible without Mao’s permission. The historical influences of the talks illuminate the importance of Mao on China’s decisions.

Expected Trends in the New Zealand-China Dairy Trade

Bruno Marshall Shirley • Oct 29 2013 • Essays

The New Zealand-China dairy trade does not pose a significant threat to the Chinese economy and it seems unlikely that China has any desire to limit dairy trade with New Zealand in the near future.

Deepening Socio-Economic Relations Across Taiwan Straits

Chris Barker • Oct 20 2013 • Essays

While socio-economic relations encourage a peaceful era in the short to medium term, political realism severely constrains the development of these relations the in the long term.

European Efforts to Protect Maritime Commerce in the Indian Ocean, 2007-2012

Rafal Nedzarek • Sep 11 2013 • Essays

The EU and the governments of some of its member states share a growing concern about the emerging threats to maritime commerce passing through the Indian Ocean.

Elites and Democracy in China

Matthew Saayman • Sep 6 2013 • Essays

Though it has been argued that China will democratize in the near future, only time will tell whether the elites will perceive the benefits of democracy as outweighing the costs.

Multiculturalism, Migration, & Governance in Australia

Gina G. Song Lopez • Sep 1 2013 • Essays

The evolution of multiculturalism as a national policy in Australia shows that the country’s success draws from the implementation of adaptable and goal-oriented approaches to migration.

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