
Traditional Power-Relations in Cambodia

Philip Brown • Jul 10 2013 • Essays

Studying traditional power-relations during the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia will help further our understanding of violence and the Cambodian peace process.

Nixon’s Opening to China: The Misleading Apotheosis of Triangular Diplomacy

Kendrick Kuo • Jun 28 2013 • Essays

Nixon’s visionary pursuit of a China that was a responsible member of the world community bore undeniable fruit in 1972 and would continue to benefit the United States until this very day.

Does the USA view North Korean Foreign Policy as Rational?

Jean-Baptiste Tai-Sheng Jacquet • Jun 28 2013 • Essays

The US does not have a fixed definition of rationality. Instead, each ruling governmental cabinet tends to have a different political stance when it comes to determining rationality and irrationality.

Understanding Globalisation through Critical Gender Perspectives

William Crowne • Jun 28 2013 • Essays

As the study of globalisation evolves, gender perspectives act as a reminder that economic developments are not distinct from real people who make real choices.

Is South Korea Ready for Reunification?

Soo Kim • Jun 24 2013 • Essays

Even if international politics granted a political union between the two Koreas, the domestic conditions in South Korea cannot sustain the successful implementation of a reunification.

Fishery Disputes between China and the Two Koreas

Illegal Chinese fishing in the Yellow Sea is a long-standing source of tension between China and both Koreas. Systemic trilateral cooperation is the most viable solution.

Should We Hope That the World Will Become More Democratic?

Antonio Ribeiro • May 25 2013 • Essays

The Arab Spring has reinvigorated the appeal of democracy, and has shown that America does not need to drive transitions to democracy.

What are the Main Factors Limiting the Power of the United States in World Politics?

Guy Walford • May 24 2013 • Essays

China has recently sought a much greater interest in developing their public diplomacy, in order to harness greater soft power, and develop a more positive world image.

Who Rules Russia?

Anna Derinova • May 22 2013 • Essays

The Russian political structure is neither a homogeneous entity nor an authoritarian system or business oligarchy; instead, it is a complex tripolar system presided over by Putin.

Has the United States Abandoned Europe?

Lachezar Angelov • May 8 2013 • Essays

The US still plays a major role in European security, but is gradually concentrating its efforts on the Middle East and Asia, where there is a high probability of future conflicts.

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