
Han Chinese Identity and Securitization

Robbie Murray Fergusson • Mar 16 2013 • Essays

Although tying the Han identity to the state has been an effective way of nation building, securitization of this identity has been detrimental to the overall security of the CCP regime.

Why Did South Korea Grow Rich, c.1960–1985?

Loria-Mae Heywood • Mar 16 2013 • Essays

With a history of occupations and territorial division, the odds for economic success were not stacked in South Korea’s favor. Its success did not conform to any pre-existing mode of development.

The Counter-Insurgency Operation in Chechnya

Joseph Myers • Mar 13 2013 • Essays

The First Chechen War was a clear failure of counter-insurgency operations, and whilst there were improvements in the Second Chechen War, a wholly successful outcome has not been achieved.

Huawei: A Threat To National Security?

Lucie Kadlecova • Mar 13 2013 • Essays

Huawei’s business in Iran and supposed disregard for intellectual property rights exemplify why foreign governments think it does not respect international legal obligations.

How are Nationalist Politics and Religious Faith Related?

Nikita Malik • Mar 10 2013 • Essays

Whilst the use of religion as a ‘defence mechanism’ may reinforce ‘exclusion for inclusion’ concepts, to argue that it is the cause and consequence of Hindu nationalist politics would be limited.

Mearsheimer’s Realism and the Rise of China

Laurence Vincent • Mar 8 2013 • Essays

John Mearsheimer attempts to reduce the factors influencing the development of the US-China relationship, which are inestimable, to fit the limited parameters of his theory.

Hanging By A Thread? China, America and the New Silk Road

Joseph Anstee • Mar 2 2013 • Essays

The Chinese concept of a New Silk Road is based around over forty thousand kilometres of railways in three corridors across the Eurasian continent dubbed the ‘Eurasian Land Bridge’.

Realism Today

Emanuela Voinea • Mar 1 2013 • Essays

Realism takes an explanatory rather than a normative approach, and Realist concepts provide a pragmatic framework for the effective analysis of current international issues and events.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Light of Organization Theory

Hossein Aghaie Joobani • Feb 22 2013 • Essays

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization operates in a diametrically different cultural and normative setting to Western International Organizations and must be seen within this context.

The International Implications of China’s Water Policies

Jessica Williams • Feb 15 2013 • Essays

China’s water policies will increase regional and international tensions, but will also prevent China’s economy from stalling, which could destabilize the entire international system.

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