
The Role of Ideology and Interest in Stalin’s Engagement with China

Fan Zhang • Nov 30 2012 • Essays

On February 11, 1945, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill, then in conclave at Yalta, signed an agreement for disposing of Far Eastern questions.

The Impact of European Colonialism on the Indian Caste System

Ben Heath • Nov 26 2012 • Essays

The caste system during European colonialism was not invented by Europeans. It was, however, adapted and exploited by British colonials throughout their occupation of India.

The Yuan’s Potential as a Medium of Exchange

Jonathan Cottingham • Nov 13 2012 • Essays

The Chinese Yuan will likely become the medium of exchange in South-East Asia, but is not likely to challenge the predominance of the US dollar internationally.

On the Effectiveness of Granting the Most Favored Nation Status to India

Sadaf Basharat • Oct 25 2012 • Essays

Until India decides to reduce its Non-Tariff Barriers the granting of MFN status to India will not do anything to benefit Pakistani traders and exporters.

Is New Public Management Irrelevant to Developing Countries?

Abdelfatah Ibrahim • Oct 19 2012 • Essays

NPM is generally an effective replacement for the traditional administration model, but it is not necessarily suitable for all countries around the world.

The Implications of The Rise of China on Australian Foreign Policy

Wayne McLean • Oct 6 2012 • Essays

The key implication of the rise of China is how to manage the new regional order, one in which Australia has an advantage in resources, but is disadvantaged as a regional outsider

To What Extent was the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese Border War about Cambodia?

Harry Booty • Sep 21 2012 • Essays

While it would be wrong to discredit the idea that the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia was a major cause of war, it would also be inaccurate to portray it as the only factor that necessitated conflict.

Australia’s Engagement in the Asia Pacific: Reality, Utopia & Transformation

James Richmond • Sep 19 2012 • Essays

Classical Realist, Neoliberal and Constructivist theories can synergise and complement each other by providing a multidimensional approach to Australia’s regional engagement.

How Does Terrorism Lend Itself to Constructivist Understanding?

Janani Krishnaswamy • Sep 18 2012 • Essays

Constructivist theories are best suited to analyze how identities and interests change over time, which is essential in understanding the diverse state responses to transnational terrorism.

The Impact of Neoliberal Policies on Cambodian Society

Simina Ghit • Sep 13 2012 • Essays

The promotion of unfettered and intense marketization is the foremost causal factor contributing to Cambodia’s inability to consolidate democracy following a UN-sponsored transition.

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