
Riots in India: A Consequence of Democracy?

Kalathmika Natarajan • Jul 18 2012 • Essays

Political motivations offer only a partial explanation for Indian riots. They do not take into account religious mobilization, extremist ideologies, or perceptions of ‘the other’ that lead to participation in, or approval of, violence.

Towards Presidentialism in Australia?

Habiba Fadel • Jul 17 2012 • Essays

Australia has undergone a wide range of changes, impacting on the traditional role and image of its politics.

Unraveling the Mystery of People Smuggling Networks

Marie Ngiam • Jul 11 2012 • Essays

People smuggling networks targeting Australia have a number of common elements, such as flexibility and adaptability, wide range of actors and branching out into other organised crimes.

Labour Movements: A Prominent Role in Struggles Against Globalisation?

Joe Sutcliffe • Jul 11 2012 • Essays

Neoliberal globalisation creates opportunities for new forms of organisation and resistance, even as it attempts to undermine existing strategies.

An Analysis of Contemporary US-China-India Relations

Annemarie Detlef • Jul 7 2012 • Essays

The US-Sino-India triangle is one of the most important strategic relationships of contemporary foreign affairs. The increasing economic ties between China and India outweigh the likelihood of realist war.

Can Gazprom be a Reliable Central Asian Gas Supplier to Europe?

anon • Jul 5 2012 • Essays

The EU’s interests in Central Asia are best served through cooperation with Gazprom rather than competition.

Did the UNHCR Fail Vietnamese Refugees in Hong Kong?

Nicholas Hendry • Jun 29 2012 • Essays

The UNHCR faced a difficult situation in managing Vietnamese refugees in the late 1970s and 80s. Nevertheless, several of the failures were of its own making.

China: Peaceful or Menacing?

Andrew Kujala • Jun 27 2012 • Essays

The PLA is the state’s main instrument of war, which means that it is likely to have a considerable impact on whether China is branded ‘peaceful’ or ‘menacing’ by other states.

The Securitization of Non-Traditional Threats: Water Security in China

Yunnan Chen • Jun 23 2012 • Essays

Whilst the water shortage in China has been securitised at the state level, this has not been successful at the local government level, or with the public at large.

Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency: Competing Approaches to Anti-Terrorism

Scott Adam • Jun 19 2012 • Essays

When comparing the approaches of COIN and CT to actors, grievances and legitimacy, it is clear that the two are not complementary.

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