
China and the Legacy of Post-Mao Reforms

Ross Morrison • Jun 18 2012 • Essays

The reform-era policies of the 1980s and ’90s are undermining China’s development. The desire to maintain political stability and solidify party rule stifled efforts to fund long term investments.

The Rational Logic Behind North Korea’s Military Diplomacy

Nicholas Lawrence Adams • Jun 14 2012 • Essays

There is a rational logic behind North Korea’s military diplomacy, which intertwines national identity, military first politics, and domestic internal strife under the leadership of the Kim family.

Globalization and Wealth Creation in Developing Countries

Nigel Hogan • Jun 9 2012 • Essays

Although the benefits of globalization continue to be disproportionately angled in favour of the developed global North, GDP can be seen to have risen for developing countries, including those within sub-Saharan Africa.

Is Human Progress Inevitable?

Joe Sutcliffe • May 30 2012 • Essays

Modernisation, development and globalisation are not inevitable and ‘hard work’ to ensure neoliberal globalisation in the global south has not created progress.

Will Sino-U.S. Relations Eventually Lead to War?

George Sims • May 29 2012 • Essays

The relationship between the US and China can be seen as one of opportunity and a cause for concern. Flashpoints like Taiwan, energy acquisition and military capabilities could lead to conflict if left unresolved.

Critiquing the Colour Blind Stance on Racial Politics in New Zealand

Sophie Tapper • May 24 2012 • Essays

In our allegedly ‘post-race’ society, there is growing consensus that the political approach to achieving racial equality should be distinctively colour blind.

Power, Domestic Politics, and the Spanish-American War

Bella Wang • May 21 2012 • Essays

The Spanish-American War fails to support strict interpretation of democratic peace theory, and instead provides an instance in which two democracies went go to war because their people demanded it.

China’s Naval Modernization: A Fundamental Change in its National Security Strategy?

Shaun Sunil Sandu • May 20 2012 • Essays

China has more than quadrupled its expenditure on naval spending as part of a policy of sharply increasing defence spending since the early 2000s.

‘Moralization’ of Technologies – Military Drones: A Case Study

Christopher Newman • May 2 2012 • Essays

It is of utmost importance that we design military robots with human priorities in mind and promote more ethical behavior on the remote battlefield.

Violence against women in Bangladesh

Caroline Wiegand • Apr 30 2012 • Essays

Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world and its estimated prevalence rate of violence against women is extremely high.

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