
Breaking Point: the Future of China’s Economy

Michael Dean Krebs • Apr 27 2012 • Essays

Following the tradition of stability, China has been unable to adequately address the fluxing social changes occurring due to massive sustained economic growth.

The Role of the State in Development: Re-examining Neo-Liberal Recommendations

Annemarie Detlef • Apr 26 2012 • Essays

Examining the history of development in the UK, the US, Germany and Japan brings the policy recommendations of neoliberalism into question.

Exploring the Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers

Stian Eisentrager • Apr 19 2012 • Essays

The use of child soldiers will persist as long as the societies within which they operate do not have any conceptual, moral or ethical problems of doing so.

Security and Human Development in Pakistan

Hamza Jehangir • Apr 18 2012 •

Pakistan’s internal and external power relations and its colonial past have led to skewed policy making which prioritises defence expenditure and neglects human development.

China’s Cruise Towards Sea Power

Xu Duo • Apr 17 2012 • Essays

China needs to build up its sea power for the sake of its economic growth, maritime interests and national security. It would do well to learn from Western theories.

‘Rising China’: A Threat to International Security?

Neil Renic • Apr 13 2012 • Essays

While uncertainties regarding the future of China are legion, the peaceful integration into the international order of a strengthening and influential China is entirely possible.

Is Torture Ever Acceptable in COIN Operations?

Jacob Uzzell • Apr 12 2012 • Essays

Torture is not a necessity in counterinsurgency as a tactic or a strategy, even in extreme situations in which it appears a tempting option.

Failed Humanitarian Intervention in East Timor

Katherine Green • Apr 6 2012 • Essays

Although East Timor gained independence in 2002, it was a failure to mitigate ethnic tensions in 1999 that demonstrated the UN’s self-limiting culture.

Emerging Economies and Market Oriented Development Policy

Abdelfatah Ibrahim • Apr 5 2012 • Essays

The classification of countries has been dynamic through history due to changing economic situations and fluctuating relations between states.

Perpetuating Ancient Female Norms in South Asia

anon • Mar 30 2012 • Essays

In South Asia, the ongoing prevalence of violence against women is structurally associated with the region’s cultural incorporation of patriarchal norms.

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