
A Peaceful Resolution: Analysing Sustained Peace and Order in Mizoram

Priavi Joshi • Nov 26 2022 • Essays

Post insurgency, Mizoram provides a stark exception to the usually politically volatile and unstable post-conflict situations that do not maintain peace.

How Do Travel Vlogs Contribute to GDP’s Dominance in World Politics?

Talisha Schilder • Nov 25 2022 • Essays

Through their introduction, plot and characters, Western travel narratives in YouTube vlogs exoticize Gross National Happiness and normalise the GDP development paradigm.

Struggle and Success of Chinese Soft Power: The Case of China in South Asia

Ashmita Rana • Nov 14 2022 • Essays

Has China’s cultural and material export led recipients to desire what it does? Focused on South Asia, this essay evaluates China’s notion of and struggle for soft power.

Threatening Engagement: Regional Hegemons and Terrorist Groups

Mostafa Elsharkawy • Oct 8 2022 • Essays

Counter-terrorism tends to be employed in case of a threat to regional hegemon’s economic capabilities, allies or geopolitical interests.

Religious Foundations of Indian Territorial Imagination

Samarth Gupta • Sep 26 2022 • Essays

Despite the diversity of identities within India, the existence of the Indian nation within the boundaries of British-controlled territories of India was unquestionable.

At The Brink of Nuclear War: (Mis)Perceptions & The Kargil Crisis

Zin Mar Khing • Aug 23 2022 • Essays

During the Kargil crisis, while Pakistan underestimated India’s responses to its transgression, India underestimated the possibility and capability of Pakistan’s advance.

Statehood in Modern International Community: Kosovo, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia

Daniele Stracquadanio • Aug 15 2022 • Essays

Comparative analysis highlighted how the support of Great Powers with strong alliance-building capacities is a key element to exert statehood in the international arena.

North Korean Female Defectors in China: Human Trafficking and Exploitation

Kristin Hynes • Aug 9 2022 • Essays

Already in a vulnerable position, North Korean defectors, particularly women, are susceptible to human trafficking. Chinese policy can tackle or enhance this issue.

Beyond Good and Evil: The Sources of US Strategy in Post-Invasion Afghanistan

Luke Seminara • Jul 21 2022 • Essays

Post-9/11 anxieties and post-invasion hubris among top US decision-makers led to a forceful yet open-ended mission with lofty and vague objectives.

Indian Perspective on Iran-China 25-year Agreement

Siddhant Nair • Jul 19 2022 • Essays

Despite India’s concerns with Iran and China, the 25-year Iran-China agreement provides it with opportunities to evolve its approach to Iran and West Asia.

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