
Unstable Peace in the Pacific

Joseph Artuso • May 22 2011 • Essays

In discussions of U.S. hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region, China looms large. The United States—along with many of China’s neighbors—have cautiously embraced China’s rise. However tensions in the region have been on the rise and the potential for strategic rivalry in the long run remains high.

Deception, Development or Interdependence? China’s Approach to African Trade

Harry Kazianis • May 17 2011 • Essays

China and the west view Africa with a different set of eyes. In supporting trade with any and all nations in Africa and around the globe, China by default supports nations that have horrendous human rights track records that do not support democratic institutions. But China’s model of economic aid can be used by African nations to pull millions of people out of poverty. It is nothing more, nothing less.

Yin or Yang? China and the Muslim world

Idriss J. Aberkane • Apr 29 2011 • Essays

In its autonomous region of Xinjiang China will decide upon its lasting and largely irreversible geopolitical trademark in entering the Global Balkans. Though it is narrow, the window of opportunity exists for China to take a credible leadership for regional peace and secure stable confidence.

US Navy and Chinese Navy: Partners or Rivals?

Wang Yinghui • Apr 14 2011 • Essays

Because of the deep mutual mistrust from both sides, especially the US concern over China’s military build-up, friction and cooperation will coexist in the development of the China-US naval relationship. Only when political mutual trust reaches a high level, can the military relationship stride forward beyond the stop and go cycle of the last 30 years.

Chairman Mao’s Masterplan

Marina Popcov • Apr 8 2011 • Essays

Within the antagonism between capitalist and communist ideas in the period of the cold war the Sino-US rapprochement appears as a very out of character phenomenon, culminating in the spectacular visit of president Richard Nixon in 1972, as the first president to enter Chinese Communist soil.

US Missile Defence and Space Security: a Security Dilemma for China?

Charles R. Lister • Mar 18 2011 • Essays

The Chinese reaction to U.S. BMD and space security policy has emphasized the crucial importance of dialogue and economic engagement. Conscious of history’s rising powers being profoundly threatening and violent, China has been keen to stress its ‘peaceful rise’ as a ‘responsible great power.’

Cultural awareness and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan

Charles R. Lister • Mar 11 2011 • Essays

The current campaign in Afghanistan has lasted for over nine years and the Taliban has grown into a formidable insurgency. This paper explains why a lack of cultural awareness condemns counterinsurgency operations to almost certain defeat, and explores the implications for the campaign in Afghanistan.

Offense-Defense Theory and the absence of war on the Korean peninsula

Alvyn Ng • Feb 16 2011 • Essays

This essay argues that the absence of a major war between North (DPRK) and South Korea (ROK) does not disprove the offense-defense theory (ODT) because the theory is capable of explaining the prevalence of peace under conditions when the defense has the advantage.

Can China be Defined as an Authoritarian State?

Patrick Ervine • Feb 4 2011 • Essays

The People’s Republic of China was formed in 1949 from a country crippled by poverty, internal and external conflict, and has grown into one of today’s economic superpowers. Modern China can be defined as an authoritarian state. However, socialism with Chinese characteristics is a far better way of describing China’s unique system of government and economy

‘Diaspora’? The Case of the Russians of Central Asia

anon • Feb 2 2011 • Essays

Russians living in Central Asia and Russians returning to the Russian Federation cannot be considered to be diasporas

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