
The Impact of the Rise of Islamic Extremism on Civil-Military Relations in Indonesia

Yeo Qin-Liang • Jul 7 2022 • Essays

The Indonesian National Armed Forces has exploited the rise of Islamic extremism to intrude in civilian affairs and enhance its own material interests.

South Korea Is Not In Democratic Backslide (Yet)

Lauren Doeff • Jul 5 2022 • Essays

Democratic backslide involves both the degradation of social development and democratic institutions. South Korea is experiencing the former, but not the latter.

Neoliberalism in the UK and New Zealand: Validating Ideational Analyses

Antonios Vitalis • Jun 30 2022 • Essays

Analysing differences in social policy between NZ and the UK, which implemented similar economic policies 1984-1990, requires an ideationally focused critical lens.

Deconstructing Narco-Terrorism in Failed States: Afghanistan and Colombia

Silvia De Giuseppe • Jun 21 2022 • Essays

The essay establishes the causational relation, or the lack thereof, between failed states and narco-terrorism; re-framing narco-terrorism’s ontology, and epistemology.

Balancing Rivalry and Cooperation: Japan’s Response to the BRI in Southeast Asia

Tien Ce Joe • Jun 20 2022 • Essays

Japan’s response to the BRI is not monolithic, and the Sino-Japanese infrastructure rivalry in Southeast Asia is more geostrategic than it is economic.

The Dangerous Double Game: The Coexistence of Nuclear Weapons and Human Rights

Nathalie Balabhadra • May 30 2022 • Essays

Nuclear weapons and human rights coexist in the form of a double game. Commitments to both differ across states, but security is often given precedence over rights.

To What Extent Is ‘Great Power Competition’ A Threat to Global Security?

Cormac Smith • May 4 2022 • Essays

The maintenance of US hegemony versus Russia and China contributes significantly to the state of global security: a loss of position would likely have a negative impact.

China’s ‘World-Class’ Military Modernisation

Ian Seow Cheng Wei • Apr 22 2022 • Essays

China’s military modernisation and restructuring is a complex endeavour involving personalities, domestic politics, foreign relations and the economy.

Australia: International Agreements as Obligation in the Case of Climate Change

Chris Fitzgerald • Mar 20 2022 • Essays

The high-emitting state of Australia has obligations considering its international agreements: especially vis-à-vis its vulnerable Pacific Island state neighbours.

CPEC: An Assessment of Its Socio-economic Impact on Pakistan

Ashmita Rana • Mar 10 2022 • Essays

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been underwhelming, plagued by shortcomings in the project itself and from the nature of governance and politics in Pakistan.

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