
Eligibilizing Certain Populations: Hindutva Politics Of UP Population Bill 2021

Dipanita Malik • Mar 4 2022 • Essays

The 2021 UP Population Bill enables the UP state to consolidate focus on Hindutva politics that deploys aggressive policing of women and their reproductive capacities.

North Korea’s Withdrawal from the NPT: Neorealism and Selectorate Theory

Su Bai • Jan 27 2022 • Essays

Both neorealism and the selectorate theory show that North Korea’s demand for nuclear weapons strongly correlates with a large US military presence in East Asia.

How Far Does Anime Challenge Joseph Nye’s ‘Soft Power’ and Its Approach to Culture?

Solomon Pace-McCarrick • Dec 11 2021 • Essays

Anime provides a lens through which we can rethink Joseph Nye’s state-centered theory of soft power and its cultural assumptions.

Socialism in India: Conflicting International Outlooks?

Saneet Chakradeo • Nov 24 2021 • Essays

Socialist ideology has developed and gained pertinence in Indian political thought: Two major diverging schools with differentiated international outlook exist.

Confronting Great Powers: New Zealand’s Nuclear Stance During the Cold War

Antonios Vitalis • Nov 18 2021 • Essays

Constructivism best reveals how France’s bombing of a Greenpeace protest vessel in 1982 emboldened and solidified New Zealand to pass the Nuclear Free New Zealand Act.

Repression, Identity and the Promise of Eelam

Priavi Joshi • Oct 12 2021 • Essays

In the Sri Lankan civil war, Tamil women are motivated to join the LTTE due to the suffering caused by state repression – not as simple victims or emancipatory agents.

China’s Increasing Influence in the Middle East

Suhail Ahmad Khan • Sep 20 2021 • Essays

China has strengthened its foothold in the Middle East in the 21st century by improving economic and diplomatic relations with the region in pursuit of a number of policy objectives.

The NBA and the World’s America

Rishabh Chawda • Aug 1 2021 • Essays

The NBA has hegemonised basketball and latched onto the cultural icons of ‘America’ and the ‘American dream’ to cater to global audiences.

Narratives of Violence: The Hong Kong Protests Through Opposing Media Outlets

Shumin Cao • Jul 28 2021 • Essays

Two media outlets, the Guardian and the People’s Daily, are markedly different in their portrayal of violence during the 2019-20 Hong Kong protests.

Recreating a Nation’s Identity Through Symbolism: A Chinese Case Study

Ananya Sood • Jul 11 2021 • Essays

Mao’s desire for a cultural change in China was an attempt to retain his power within the Communist Party, but his errors in final years overshadowed his achievements.

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