
Offensive Realism and the Rise of China: A Useful Framework for Analysis?

Frank Kuhn • Jul 9 2021 • Essays

While offensive realism emphasizes China’s rise, it provides a limited–if not dangerous–analytical perspective on the issue.

Xinjiang: A New Arena for Sports Activism?

Grant Alexander • Jun 24 2021 • Essays

In China sports activism differs because athletes criticizing political and social issues in China have garnered economic and societal reactions not seen elsewhere.

The SolarWinds Attack and Its Lessons

Chi Tran • Jun 17 2021 • Essays

The increase in sophisticated cyber-attacks like SolarWinds requires a change in the traditional security paradigm by increasing the priority of cyber-security.

Interregionalism Matters: Why ASEAN Is the Key to EU Strategic Autonomy

Oscar Eggleton • Jun 13 2021 • Essays

Powerful regional organisations will be vital to ensuring that third powers retain their autonomy and do not become beholden to the interests of superpowers.

Exploring Stratification Economics’ Neglect of Intersectionality

Jodie Bradshaw • Jun 2 2021 • Essays

This essay challenges the assumption that identities are fixed, linking gendered and racial binaries to the economic development of Australia with a postcolonial lens.

Bargaining for Protection – the Case of Climate Refugees

Zuza Nazaruk • May 18 2021 • Essays

The lack of an international consensus on climate refugees and the power of humanitarian aid determine the status and movement of such refugees across states.

From Bandung to R2P: Non-Western Contributions to Modern Sovereignty

Emil Sondaj Hansen • May 4 2021 • Essays

Contributions of non-Western states challenge narratives about the natural expansion of international society or the construction of a solely Western global order.

The Influence of Islam on Pakistani Nationalism Towards Kashmir

Sidra Yousaf • Apr 28 2021 • Essays

Pakistan bases its irredentist claim toward Kashmir on a instrumentalisation of Islam and the primordial view that a common Muslim identity should lead to unification.

Settler-Colonial Continuity and the Ongoing Suffering of Indigenous Australians

Daniel Black • Apr 25 2021 • Essays

Settler-colonialism contains an essential and continuous ‘logic of elimination.’ Seen in Australia’s treatment of indigenous population, this oppression persists today.

The Securitization of Christianity under Xi Jinping

Zeger Franciscus Glas • Mar 11 2021 • Essays

Through a securitization framework, it is argued Xi’s administration is attempting to present Christianity as an existential threat to national unity and social order.

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