
The Resilience of Baloch Insurgencies: Understanding the Fifth Period

Yogesh Gattani • Feb 2 2021 • Essays

The Baloch peoples’ insurgency has proved their resilience and ability to generate momentum for a cause that is unlikely to subside to Pakistani state repression.

Why China Should Re-Strategize its Wolf Warrior Diplomacy

David (Trace) Held III • Jan 12 2021 • Essays

To safeguard against repeating the ‘Century of Humiliation’ replete with domestic turmoil and Western bullying, China must cultivate new tactics in redirecting nationalism and reframing legitimacy.

Interpreting Mainstream and Alternative Media Accounts of Hong Kong’s 2019 Protests

Oliver Clark • Jan 9 2021 • Essays

An approach that rejects the binary opposition logic of media organisations will help observers to develop convictions that are least-influenced by the ideological agendas of others.

A Look into the Conflict Between India and Pakistan over Kashmir

Pranav Asoori • Oct 7 2020 • Essays

India and Pakistan believe that Kashmir belongs to them. While India has gained international support, Pakistan has been forced to stop supporting terrorists in Kashmir.

‘Illegal Criminals Invading’: Securitising Asylum-Seekers in Australia and the US

anon • Sep 12 2020 • Essays

Securitizing asylum-seeking disregards international refugee and human rights law while also leading to the inhumane treatment of those fleeing from persecution.

China’s Instrument or Europe’s Influence? Safeguard Policies in the AIIB

Patricia Sophia Wild • Sep 1 2020 • Essays

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has implemented safeguard policies that rival those of the World Bank Group. How can existing IR theory explain this?

Politics of Continuity and US Foreign Policy Failure in Central Asia

Saud Hassan • Aug 26 2020 • Essays

The US has failed to materialize its aspired goals in the Central Asia region largely due to a common set of policies, characterized by the exhibition of ‘disinterest’.

Friend or Foe? Explaining the Philippines’ China Policy in the South China Sea

Brenda Tan • Aug 10 2020 • Essays

Role theory explains tensions within the Philippines’ policy towards China in the South China Sea by examining contesting role conceptions in the Duterte administration.

A See-Saw Relationship: An Overview of Afghanistan’s Ties with India and Pakistan

Hargun Sethi • Aug 6 2020 • Essays

Afghanistan’s foreign policy toward India has always been the antithesis of its foreign policy toward Pakistan across three governments since 1996.

Neocolonialism in J.A. Bayona’s ‘The Impossible’

Kate Williams • Jul 27 2020 • Essays

The popular ‘rose tinted’ depiction of the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami justifies the Global North’s neocolonial foreign aid strategies.

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