
Are We Entering an “Asian Century?”: The Possibility of a New International Order

Keita Kawakita • Jul 4 2020 • Essays

Both Asia’s internal political problems and America’s structural advantages prevent the “Asian Century” from becoming a political reality.

Water Crisis or What are Crises? A Case Study of India-Bangladesh Relations

Roshani Jain • Jun 11 2020 • Essays

The nature of India-Bangladesh relations can be better understood by analyzing water insecurity, a critical feature of each country’s geopolitics.

A Failure of Coercion: The George W. Bush Administration and North Korea

Rupert Schulenburg • Jun 7 2020 • Essays

As long as the DPRK fears for its survival, it is doubtful that any state can coerce the DPRK to abandon its nuclear weapons.

Why Is China’s Belt and Road Initiative Being Questioned by Japan and India?

Kai Neagle • May 2 2020 • Essays

Japan and India are hesitant to accept the Belt and Road Initiative because they see it as a means of expanding Chinese power unilaterally.

TRIPS-Plus Provisions and the Access to HIV Treatments in Developing Countries

Alessandro Pigoni • Apr 19 2020 • Essays

The inclusion of TRIPS-Plus provisions in recent trade agreements limits the ability of developing countries to obtain medicines needed to face the HIV epidemic.

A Geostrategic Explanation of India-Myanmar Bilateral Relations since the 1990s

Balachander Palanisamy • Mar 31 2020 • Essays

Bilateral relations between India and Myanmar in the post-Cold War era are governed and defined by geostrategic interests more so than by identity and ideology.

Intermestic Realism: Domestic Considerations in International Relations

Tom Meinderts • Mar 24 2020 • Essays

A nation’s foreign policy is a product of both international and domestic considerations. This is particularly evident in economic scenarios like the US-China Trade war.

The Impact of Globalisation on Poverty and Inequality in the Global South

Julia Heinze • Mar 22 2020 • Essays

While some countries benefit from globalisation, the argument that globalisation has left the Global South worse off appears to be accurate.

Dealing with Myanmar’s Past: A Call for a Truth Commission

Laura Huchet • Dec 29 2019 • Essays

The creation of a truth commission in Myanmar will address the country’s past and help overcome the current democratic deadlock without sacrificing past progress.

EU Foreign Policy in East Asia: EU-Japan Relations and the Rise of China

Martijn Kooi • Dec 5 2019 • Essays

While Japan and the EU are allies who emphasize liberal values in their foreign policy, geopolitical concerns have prevented them from agreeing on a China policy.

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