Latin America

Root Causes of Violence in Post-Civil War Guatemala: A Literature Review

Duilia Mora Turner • Apr 8 2015 • Essays

This area needs continued research to advise policy makers on how to correct and prevent further deterioration of Guatemala’s security sector.

Peru and Chile’s Ocean View Resolved Dispute

Duilia Mora Turner • Mar 17 2015 • Essays

Peru v. Chile exemplifies that legalistic intervention is a peaceful and adequate method for defining borders in modern times.

Evaluating Ecuador’s Decision to Abandon the Yasuni-Itt Initiative

Ariana Keyman • Feb 22 2015 • Essays

The lack of democracy associated with the decision-making process to drill Block ITT has fuelled a high degree of currently ongoing civil discontent in Ecuador.

The Role of Transitional Justice Processes in Building Peace in Latin America

Kristiana Eleftheria Papi • Jan 23 2015 • Essays

To play an effective role in peace building, truth commissions must address underlying structural violence and contribute to the success of additional justice mechanisms.

Decolonising Structural Realist Understandings of Latin America

John de Bhal • Jan 21 2015 • Essays

Despite the fact that grand narratives inevitably advantage, disadvantage, include, and exclude, scholars should remember that the mind must still be decolonised.

How Have Illicit Drug Trade Networks Undermined Colombia’s Development?

Elizabeth Ambler • Dec 16 2014 • Essays

Colombia and international actors must begin tapping into a development policy that recognises the need to bridge political and civil society.

How Have Austerity Measures Undermined Peruvian Women’s Reproductive Rights?

Sophia Gore • Nov 10 2014 • Essays

Under the guise of women’s ‘empowerment’ and and ‘rights to ones own body,’ Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori disguised the economic ideology of the regime.

Does the Latin American Left Offer a Post-Neoliberal Alternative?

Ruby Utting • Oct 10 2014 • Essays

The role of the state as the facilitator of capitalist interests has limited the Bolivian government in its ability to initiate a break from neoliberal economics.

The Effects of the Mexican Drug Trade over the Past Sixty Years

Michael E K Jones • Oct 5 2014 • Essays

Drug trade has manufactured a deterioration of the federal state, but alarmist discourse conflates heterogeneous local effects with political issues at the national level

Coping with the Legacy of the Civil War in El Salvador

Korbinian März • Jun 18 2014 • Essays

The Commission on the Truth for El Salvador partly failed but has also reached significant successes.

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